素食主义是一种生活方式,实践这种生活方式的人称为素食主义者。一般的素食主义者不吃肉食,如:家畜、野兽、飞禽、海鲜等,有些素食者更加严格,不仅不吃肉食,连蛋、奶、黄油、奶酪也绝不吃。他们为什么会选择素食...; vegetarian 素食主义者; vegan 严格的素食者1. Some vegetarians mainly eat  ……
回放 素食主义是一种生活方式,实践这种生活方式的人称为素食主义者。一般的素食主义者不吃肉食,如家禽、野兽、飞禽、海鲜等。有些素食者更加严格,不仅不吃肉食,连蛋、奶、黄油、奶酪也不吃。他(她)们为什么会选择素食?这种生活方式的优缺点是什么?未来你是否会选择素食? 素食主义是一种生活方式,实践这种生活方式的人称为素食主义者 ……
. They’re called vegetarians (素食主义者).Vegetarianism (素食主义) seems to be becoming more popular in China. Here... not a vegetarian myself, but I have many friends who are vegetarian or even vegan (纯素食主义者). Vegan means ……
TO eat a vegan (严格的素食主义者) diet – no meat, no fish, no dairy, no eggs – might sound difficult to you. But vegetarianism (素食主义) – no meat, no fish – is becoming more and more popular around the world ……
的tattoo: 纹身vegan: 严格的素食主义者 ……
ironing (用熨斗熨) her dog’s clothes; another keeps her rats on a vegan (严格的素食主义者) diet; still another ……
her dog’s clothes; another keeps her rats on a vegan (严格的素食主义者) diet; still another takes her pigs ……
Freegan lifestyles reduce food waste. VCGFreegan lifestyles reduce food waste. VCG免费素食主义者的生活是怎样的? 词数 280 建议阅读时间 4分钟 免费素食主义者的生活是怎样的? 词数 280   ……
6. __________ (friend) who are vegetarians or even vegans (纯素食主义者). Vegan means they don’t eat... are vegetarians or even vegans (纯素食主义者). Vegan means they don’t eat 7. __________ (some) animal food at all ……
’t eat any meat because I’m a vegetarian.我不吃肉因为我是素食主义者。2. I’m vegan, which means that I won’t eat any animals or use anything that comes from animals.我是个绝对素食主义者,因此我不会吃任何动物的肉和使用任何与动物沾边的东西。3. If I’m eating ……
and popularity in recent years, even among people who are not vegan (严格素食主义者).Plant-based meat is usually made... are not vegan (严格素食主义者).Plant-based meat is usually made from extracted plant protein (提取的植物蛋白) mixed ……
萝卜青菜各有所爱——素食主义者的幸福生活。Most Chinese people don't understand why some westerners don't eat meat... — they are known asvegetarians(素食者). In the US alone there are 12 million vegetarians and 19,000 more people ……
in schools where the students study English well.下期讨论话题:你愿意当一个素食主义者吗?为什么? ……
.---------------------------------------------------------sacrifice: 牺牲 vegetarian: 素食主义者 ……
Talking about food:junk food 垃圾食品: food that is as bad for you as eating rubbish or junk.health food 健康食品: any kind of food thought to be good for you.calorie 卡路里vegetarian 素食主义者fatty/oily/greasy 油腻 ……