(挑选) marbles at suppliers (供货商) and sells them. Now more and more people buy Harli’s marbles. Harli ……
, the supplier (供货商), did not take proper care to keep the meat cold during transportation (运输... that day. However, Yunnan Caiyunjian Catering Management Co, the supplier (供货商), did not take proper ……
his products are in two supermarkets ; he is their youngestsupplier(供货商).His business, Chokolit ……
大众类、教育类成增长热点 市场逐步发展规范
的进口图书业务主要以招投标的形式进行,招标方是用书机构,如企业、科研单位、大专院校等,而低价格无疑是供货商中标的重要条件。为了中标,供货商之间往往相互压低价格,提供尽可能多的折扣,甚至报出低于成本的价格。中国图书进口中心负责人刘媛表示,招标单位最看重的无疑是价格,但是供货时效、信息提供、技术支持等因素也应引起招标单位的重视。她表示,目前,中国原版书市场仍处于调整阶段,但发展潜力是巨大的,各商 ……