余台多语种智能电子导游仪“空降”上海,大大缓解了外国游客的出行难题。记者从上海世博会组委会游客服务中心了解到,“易狗”多语种智能电子导游器由深圳智游通科技有限公司研发,“精通”中、英、日、韩、法、德、西七...可搜索到离自己所处位置最近的特色餐馆、水疗会所、医疗单位、商场等各种公共服务项目。电子导游仪的研发公司——深圳智游通科技有限公司上海分部负责人肖天表示,该导游仪尚属全国首创,其功能突破了此前所有语音电子导游设备,以及 ……
应用现代化通信技术 开创新型英语教学法
全球知名在线英语培训服务供应商Eleutian. Technology. ……
去天文馆感受高科技吧! CHINESE kids have an exciting place to learn popular science. Beijing's newPlanetarium(天文馆) opened last week. The new building is the biggest one in China. Visitors can watch exciting ……
新型眼镜让你把电脑“穿”在身上。DO you want a pair of high-tech (高科技的) glasses like Conan (柯南)? Want glasses that can help you find your way or give you helpful information? Try these. They *are from Google, a US ……
我梦想中的学校There are high-tech (高科技的) machines in my dream school. When you want to read a book, just enter (输入) its name. The book will come out of the machine. When you want to go home, just enter your ……
高科技外墙随阳光而变。THESE two buildings are smart! Their “skin (皮肤)” is made of something special. It can change shapes (形状) and always keep the sunlight out. It's always cool inside the buildings. People don ……
高科技的水果清洗机!Fruit is not only (不但) delicious but also (而且) good for your health. 可是农药和细菌让人头疼,因为很难彻底洗干净!Don’t worry. A new machine (机器) will help you out. 通电后,这种水果清洗机将会产生一种能消毒杀菌的氧气。Now you can enjoy ……
THIS Globe is part map, part encyclopedia (百科全书) and part hitech (高科技) experience.The Smart Globe uses a smart pen and speaker. When you use the pen to point at a country, it will give you the name ……
YOU probably check your cell phone many times a day. Between QQ, micro blogs, and WeChat, there’s so much to keep up with. For the most part, mobile phones are great tech tools (高科技工具). But they can ……
YOU probably check your cell phone many times a day. Between QQ, micro blogs, and WeChat, there’s so much to keep up with.For the most part, mobile phones are great tech tools (高科技工具). But they can ……
我们能否对高消费说不?EVEN though they don't earn their own money, young people aged 8-19 in Taiwan spend more than you think."Teens enjoy having fun and use many different high-tech (高科技的)products ," said ……
提示诺曼正在看书。他忽然拿起书桌上的鼠标摆弄起来。“这个鼠标怎么回事,怎么没法向下滚动了!”诺曼有点纳闷。他的同学过来对他说:“你看的是书,翻页就行,干吗用鼠标啊?”诺曼这才回过神来:“是啊,没错!”看来,高科技有时容易让人产生混乱啊。 ……
, high-tech toilet seats (高科技马桶座圈) and other goods.Japan is one of the most popular places ……
这些都是奥运会上的高科技产品,快来先睹为快吧!词数 275 测试见7版 建议阅读时间 8分钟ASOLAR-powered(太阳能发电的) stadium, smarthigh-tech(高科技...? At the Beijing Olympic Games. Lots of new technologies (科技) will be used in 2008. Let's take a look at them ……
你是否受到高科技产品的困扰?词数 250 建议阅读时间 8分钟 YAN Xiao, 14, of Shandong, has been crazy about using a mobile..., gets into trouble with high-tech products (高科技产品) like mobile phones and computers. High-tech ……