最长的高尔夫球杆Karsten Maas is a golf player from Denmark (丹麦). His golf club (高尔夫球杆) is special6. It is 4.37 meters long, the longest golf club in the world. ……
最长的高尔夫球棒。THIS is the world’s longest golf club. It is made by Denmark artist Karsten Maas. Measuring 4.37m, the big golf club is usable (可用的). It has been used to drive a ball a distance (距离) of 165 ……
高尔夫天才老虎伍兹要来中国啦!YOU may not know much about golf. But you must know the name of Tiger Woods... prodigy (神童). At the age of 2, he played with a golfer (高尔夫球手) on a TV show. He was in a golf magazine ……
提示:拉尔夫去打高尔夫。但是他在面对高尔夫球的时候总是没有信心。就在马上要打的时候,他感觉到球似乎在和他说话。“为什么被打的偏偏是我?”球说道。“你一杆打出去,你就永远找不到我了。没人会找到我。我也不会游泳。”拉尔夫受不了了,大喊道:“闭嘴,你这个大笨球!” 坐在一旁的诺曼忍不住说道:“看来,这球把他惹毛了(get to him)!” ……
摘自: Drabble[Kevin Fagan, 21世纪学生英文报·高三版]
演出). They will be in Beijing on Saturday.Golf's new starAmericangolfer(高尔夫球手) Michelle Wie was named Newcomer... the award. Wie, 14, played seven times on theLPGA Tour(女子职业高尔夫巡回赛) last season. ……
US boy teaches disabled kids我教残疾孩子打高尔夫。DAVID Stopera from the US lovesgolf(高尔夫) andbowling(保龄球) very much. The 14-year-old wanted others to know about his love of sports. Each Tuesday and Thursday ……
to learn, to improve,” he said. Make the cut 意思是“符合标准,达标”,这个短语常用在体育中,特别是高尔夫球比赛,指晋级到下一阶段的比赛中去。高尔夫 ……
高尔夫球华丽变身小玩偶。高尔夫球华丽变身小玩偶。An old man named Tony Amatruda in the UK made little dolls out of old golf balls! He first put clay (黏土) on the balls. Then, he dried the clay with a hairdryer (吹风机). Later ……
武术有望成为奥运会比赛项目THE International Olympic Committee (国际奥委会) have said that wushu is one of three new sports which may be added to the 2008 Beijing Games.The other two are golf (高尔夫) and rugby (橄榄 ……
在某些方面出类拔萃,你必须在其他方面有所放弃。"——朴世莉(南韩高尔夫球手)二十岁的朴世莉作为一名新手,在短短十周内就赢得了四项重要的高尔夫赛事。十四岁时,她决定专攻高尔夫,她的努力终于得到了回报,但她 ……
't let you down. He'll come back soon and surprise us with more wonderful shots. Ryder Cup: 莱德杯高尔夫球赛。face of golf: 高尔夫的"代言人",高尔夫的代名词。PGA Tour: PGA是职业高尔夫球员协会的简称: Professional Golfers' Association。PGA Tour ……
潇洒一挥,直指成功。高尔夫奇才老虎伍兹将于中国再显身手。PUT any ordinary golf club into the hands of world No 1 Tiger Woods... became the youngest US Junior Amateur Championship(美国业余选手少年组高尔夫球赛) winner in golf history at 15.Last year ……
the first woman to take part in a men's PGA Tour (职业高尔夫巡回赛) event for 58 years last May.— Sweden's Annika Sorenstam, 33, became the first woman to take part in a men's PGA Tour (职业高尔夫巡回赛) event ……
摘自: Sport[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·高中版]
老虎伍兹:我对高尔夫的热爱与生俱来!词数 220 课件见网站 建议阅读时间 5分钟TIGER Woods was playinggolf(高尔夫) in his dad's back garden when he was six months old. At two he was showing off his skills on TV.This is a man who has lived ……
高尔夫球华丽变身小玩偶高尔夫球华丽变身小玩偶 Take a look at these little dolls. Do they have something in common? Yes, they all have a round body part! An old man in the UK made them out of old golf balls ……