市沈河区义务教育阶段小学中部学区成立。该学区以沈阳市实验学校小学部为龙头学校,与中山路小学、大西一校、热闹二校组成教育教学协作体。几年来,学区各校领导、教师围绕“学区工作制度化、学区师资优质化、学区...山路小学的英语朗读比赛、热闹二校的英语书法大比拼、大西一校的英语俱乐部、实验学校的新年猜谜等英语特色活动也在学区英语教师的组织下有声有色地开展着,极大地调动了学生的学习热情。学区内的师生欢聚一堂,在英 ……
教育进社区 英语连万家
为期3天的“2005亚洲教育北京论坛暨首届海淀教育节”,近日在北京隆重开幕. 中国国务委员陈至立、菲律宾前总统拉莫斯、韩国前总理李寿成、波兰前副总理科勒德克、新西兰前总理珍妮希普利等亚洲多国政要以及来自亚太17国的教育部长、教育部门官员、著名大学校长、专家学者等1000余人参加了在人民大会堂举行的开幕式. 作为“首届海淀教育节”的重头戏之一,“教育进社区”及“社区学英语”活动在北京海淀区31个社区同时举行,近30万市民参加了“百万市民说英语”“早期教育进万家”等活动. 海淀区是本次教育节的主办方之一. ……
热闹的巴西狂欢节In March every year, Brazil (巴西) holds the largest carnival (狂欢节) in the world. People dress up and dance samba (桑巴). ……
热闹的骑驴大赛。Look at this man! What is he doing? He is trying to ride a donkey. This is a traditional donkey race in a village in Serbia (塞尔维亚). Racers have to ride donkeys to the finish line. ……
spice things up使某事变得有趣或者令人兴奋The students spiced things up at the party by bringing several cases of beers.学生们搬来了几箱啤酒,让晚会更加热闹了。 ……
我们的教室里真热闹啊!If you hate being dull (无聊的),You will think: “Wow!”Come into the class,And we show you the crowd (热闹).It’s the noisiest (最喧闹的) class,In all of the school.The boys are lively (活泼 ……
我们学校的“跳蚤市场”好热闹!THIS is a flea market (跳蚤市场) in Guangming Middle School in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. Students are busy selling their goods (商品). They are selling toys, CDs and books. They are trying to make ……
热闹的土地When it’s winter, the soil (土壤) is cold and quiet (安静的). In spring, the sun warms the soil. The soil becomes a busy place.New plants pop out of (冒出来) the spring soil. Winter is too cold for them ……
on their carts. Then, they drive the carts down a hill. The whole city becomes alive (热闹的) ! ……
秦淮河上赛龙舟,热闹非凡。DO you like dragon boat races (赛龙舟)? It is a tradition (传统) during the Dragon Boat Festival. Recently, a dragon boat race for middle school students was held on the Qinhuai River ……
less fuss (热闹). But this is a celebrity romance that looks like it will last," said Mark Phillips ……
第一次去奶奶家故事简介Clifford Emily没注意,跳上她的旅行包,和她一起去了奶奶家。这下热闹了,它可没少闯祸。We are getting hungry. It is time to go home and have dinner. We open the door. What is going on? What an awful1 mess! It is Clifford!I say ……
热闹的海上阅兵Forty-six ships had a big party in Qingdao on April 23. They came from 15 countries around the world. They came for the birthday party of the Chinese navy1. The Chinese navy is 60 years old ……
周末的菜市场好热闹!MY mother and I went to buy some food for my father’s birthday. Going to the market on the weekend isn’t a pleasant experience. The whole city seemed to be there.Everyone had things to buy ……
鸡年到,真热闹!PAGE 8Proud “roosters” are ready for their new Chinese year. Find out why ancient Chinese people liked this bird so much. Blockbusters2017年精彩大片看不停!Pirates, spies and Smurfs will hit the big ……