何可欣:高低杠上的中国精灵。Name: He KexinNationality: ChinaWeight: 75kgBirth date: 1992/1/1Birth place... is an uneven bars (高低杠) star. In 2008, she won two World Cup titles (冠军). Few (很少) gymnasts in the world ……
挑战奥运冠军,一切皆有可能!词数 163 建议阅读时间 3分钟THE International Olympic Committee (IOC) wants you. But you won’t have to compete in a marathon, or perform on the uneven bars (高低杠). Instead, you’re being asked how ……
挑战奥运冠军,一切皆有可能!词数 163 建议阅读时间 2分钟THE International Olympic Committee (IOC) wants you. But you won't have to compete in a marathon, or perform on the uneven bars (高低杠). Instead, you're being asked how ……
动作) on the uneven bars (高低杠), I made my decision. Nastia’s ballerina-like (像芭蕾女的) style was what made ……
-perfect routine (常规动作) on the uneven bars (高低杠), I made my decision. Nastia's ballerina-like (像芭 ……
to November 6. Her medals were won on the vault (跳马), the uneven bars (高低杠)and for the individual ……
theuneven bars(高低杠)."I cried hard after the uneven bars, but I knew my tears would not help ……
)、horizontal bar (单杠)。女子有4个项目:floor exercise (自由体操)、uneven bars (高低杠)、balance beam (平衡木)、vault (跳马)。 ……
at one point during her uneven bars routine. 在完成高低杠最后一组动作时,她手没抓稳,掉在了地上。 ……
Parallel bars鞍马Pommel horse吊环Rings跳马Vault平衡木Balance beam高低杠Uneven bars团体赛Team competition个人 ……
Parallel bars鞍马Pommel horse吊环Rings跳马Vault平衡木Balance beam高低杠Uneven bars团体赛Team competition个人 ……