"小甜甜"进军餐饮业UNITED States pop singer Britney Spears is opening a restaurant in Manhattan in New York.The American-style brasserie (啤酒店) will be opened in May.Twenty-year-old Spears has denied (否认 ……
据悉,2007年1月底,北京市所有餐饮饭店中的数千种菜品、酒水都将有统一规范的英文名。据了解,为更好地迎接2008年奥运会,北京市规范公共场所英语标识工作领导小组办公室和市旅游局今年3月至5月联合对星级饭店菜单英译开展了核查工作,北京市外办、中国对外翻译出版公司组织专家对菜单译文进行了审核、分类、统一,现已初步完成《北京市餐饮业菜单英文译法》(讨论稿)的编写工作。日前,《北京市餐饮业 ……
;especially tourism – catering (餐饮业) and entertainment. This would normally have been their peak...: the service sector – especially tourism – catering (餐饮业) and entertainment. This would ……
;especially tourism – catering (餐饮业) and entertainment. This would normally have been their peak...: the service sector – especially tourism – catering (餐饮业) and entertainment. This would ……
catering (餐饮业), smaller production crews, renewable energy sources and energy-efficient stage lighting... of local catering (餐饮业), smaller production crews, renewable energy sources and energy-efficient stage ……
catering (餐饮业), smaller production crews, renewable energy sources and energy-efficient stage lighting... of local catering (餐饮业), smaller production crews, renewable energy sources and energy-efficient stage ……
中文菜单英译讨论稿公示21ST近日,一份《中文菜单英文译法》讨论稿正式由北京市旅游局对外公布。据悉,从去年3月起,北京市外办、北京市旅游局等相关单位便着手开展中文菜单英文译法的规范工作,对北京餐饮业的中英文菜单进行核查。经过北京联合大学旅游学院专家讨论、审核后,《中文菜单英文译法》讨论稿问世。在讨论稿中,专家们对2753种菜名进行了整理。首先,中国菜中以主料开头的菜名归为一类,如“白灵 ……
catering 餐饮业engagement 订婚托福词汇candid 坦白的cheapen 降低,贬低heir 继承人ravenous 贪婪的,渴望的wag 饶舌、喋喋不休 ……
– catering (餐饮业) and entertainment. This would normally have been their peak season...; catering (餐饮业) and entertainment. This would normally have been their peak season, but instead ……
of the economy: the service sector – especially tourism – catering (餐饮业) and entertainment... sector – especially tourism – catering (餐饮业) and entertainment. This would normally have ……
的) catering industry (餐饮业). “As more Chinese people choose to buy near-expired food, the food waste... billion kilograms of food is wasted every year in China’s urban (城镇的) catering industry (餐饮业 ……
征集活动由北京市外办、北京市旅游局、北京市民讲外语活动办公室联合开展。接受审核的英文菜名来自各星级饭店、餐馆菜单,翻译专家对这些菜名进行了审核和分类,并对原有的菜单英文名进行了增补,现已初步完成了《北京市餐饮业菜单英文译法》(讨论稿)的编写工作。据悉,今年春节前后,综合各界意见修改后的《北京市餐饮业菜单英文译法》将正式出台,届时北京市所有餐饮饭店中的数千种菜品、酒水都将参照这个统一的英文译本。今后,中国 ……
millionAbout 30 million people work in the catering industry (餐饮业) in China.More than 3,000Zhou earns more ……
millionAbout 30 million people work in the catering industry (餐饮业) in China.More than 3,000Zhou earns more ……
millionAbout 30 million people work in the catering industry (餐饮业) in China.More than 3,000Zhou earns more ……