阿拉法特虽解困,巴以问题未解决PALESTINIAN leader Yasser Arafat left his headquarters (总部) in Ramallah last Thursday, hours after Israeli troops withdrew (撤退) from the besieged compound (被围困的官邸). The troops had held ……
以军再次围困阿拉法特官邸Israeli troops shelled (炮击) Palestinian President Yasser Arafat's presidential compound (总统官邸) in the West Bank last Thursday.The attack came after a Palestinian blew up a huge car bomb ……
), after the US, Germany, Japan, Mexico and Austria.4. PalestineArafat shares power阿拉法特正式授权组织新政府PALESTINIAN ……
) something; similar to "throw one's weight behind." In Chinese, it is "在阿巴斯和阿拉法特之间的权力斗争中,美国 ……
阿拉法特:一手拿着橄榄枝,一手紧握自由之枪的勇士。THOUSANDS of candles were burning outside a Paris hospital for a 75-year... between peoplesThere are bothJews(犹太人) andArabs(阿拉伯人) in Palestine. They often fight because ……
Aerospace Science and Technology Corp (中国航天科技集团公司).3.IsraelMore fighting以军袭击阿拉法特官邸ISRAELI tanks ……
巴勒斯坦领袖阿拉法特与世长辞,巴以和平之路依然漫漫。Sadness has covered Palestine like a heavy black blanket. An old man's face stares down from hundreds of new posters on broken walls. People walk the streets, hugging ……
多次与死神擦肩而过,传奇人物阿拉法特能否再次逃脱困境?HE has lived through countless dangers but time may be running out for thePalestinian(巴勒斯坦) leader, Yasser Arafat.On September 11,Israel(以色列) announced its decision ……
to a key security job and the resignation of Prime Minister Ahmed Qurie last week. P3(巴勒斯坦领袖阿拉法特 ……