acted like abulletproof vest(防弹背心).The 33-year-old man was driving his bus inSantiago(圣地亚哥) when an ……
vests (防弹背心) stormed the park and arrested (逮捕) the men. Police said the rule protects kids from people ……
wearing bulletproof vests (防弹背心) stormed the park and arrested the men. Police said the rule protects ……
蜘蛛丝坚韧无比,难怪科学家将用它做为未来防弹背心的主要材料。WHAT is the strongest fibre (纤维), created or natural, that exists... diameter. They are even stronger than the chemically produced material used to make bullet-proof vests (防弹背心 ……
than Kevlar (凯夫拉纤维), the material developed for bullet-proof vests (防弹背心). Chinese scientists... for bullet-proof vests (防弹背心). The spider silk produced by silkworms. DONGHUA UNIVERSITY   ……
developed for bullet-proof vests (防弹背心). Chinese scientists have managed to genetically engineer... developed for bullet-proof vests (防弹背心). This genetically engineered fiber is very strong.  ……
虚拟战争游戏,培养战场高手词数 372 测试见7版建议阅读时间 6分钟THERE are fighters roaring over your head. The city around you is burning thanks to fierce bombing (轰炸). You are wearing a bulletproof vest (防弹背心) and carrying ……
‘no’ was like throwing a pebble (小石子) at a bulletproof vest (防弹背心).”Luckily, in 2008, Perry rocketed ……
, a material that is used to make bullet-proof vests (防弹背心). A prototype (样品) of the silk has been released ……