Q: What terrible thing happened to Laika, the first dog to travel into space?A. She overheated (过热) and died.B. Her brain exploded (爆炸).C. She got stuck in a moon crater (环形山).(答案见本期8版) ……
动物亲近人是好事,但是太过热情还是让人招架不住。 ……
of the spaceship looks like a mirror. This not only looks cool, but also gives thermal protection (过热... looks cool, but also gives thermal protection (过热保护) as the craft travels from Earth to sky to space ……
on it. Superheated gas (过热气体) keeps going up and falling across it. This makes a lot of noise. It’s about... (核反应) are always happening on it. Superheated gas (过热气体) keeps going up and falling across ……
你见过热狗吗?它吃起来简单,还有好多种诱人的口味哦!怪不得它这样受人喜爱。PUT asausage(香肠) in abun(面包) and what have you got? A hot dog of course!Americans eat a lot of hot dogs. Around sevenbillion(十亿) hot dogs will be eaten in July ……
明星绯闻过热是否影响公众关注其他新闻?Editor’s note: We are shown all kinds of news every day, especially celebrity (名人) gossip. A statistic (数据) has shown that those who pay more attention to the gossip account for (占 ……
;s servers (服务器) from overheating (过热).Do you want to work in a cave (山洞)? The workers of the Swedish...’s servers (服务器) from overheating (过热). Container officeContainer officeThe company ……
明星绯闻过热是否影响公众关注其他新闻?Editor’s note: We are shown all kinds of news every day, especially celebrity gossip. A statistic (统计数据) has shown that people who pay more attention to this gossip account for 76 ……
明星绯闻过热是否影响公众关注其他新闻?Editor’s note: We are shown all kinds of news every day, especially celebrity gossip (明星八卦). A statistic (统计数据) has shown that those who pay more attention to this gossip account ……
answers are given below.1. 他这辆汽车耗油量为40英里每加仑。2. 失业和通货膨胀是经济过热的两个负面效应。3. 汤姆是在集邮呢,还是一时心血来潮?Answers1. This car ……
and theoverheating(过热) of a video-game machine caused the fire.Test yourself你理解标题中"cookout"的意思吗?A. a meal cooked ……
大学甚至提倡全英语教学,那更是‘违法’的!”——武汉大学教授郭齐勇事件回放郭齐勇教授日前炮轰国学过热论。他认为,在现行教育体制内,各年龄段的中国学生都在接受着“西化”教育,其学习英语的时间大大多于学习中华文化的时间。郭齐勇指出,与语言学科相比,国学置身于鲜被问津的边缘境地,国学过热论恐怕“站不住脚”。 (《羊城晚报》) ……
摘自: 世说新语[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
.frugal)initiate: v. 发起over-heating: n. 过热predecessor: n. 前任,前辈replication: n. 重复spectator: n. 观众 ……
正在控制新的汽车项目,以抑制汽车工业过热的现象。")7. tap:开发,开辟例句:The idea is to gain scale, tap into new markets, and transform ……
sentence is"随着政府给过热的经济领域降温的措施开始发威,中国公司利润率的增长速度减缓了".---------------------------------------Send your ……