smart enough to avoid the lines unless they’re distracted (走神的),” she said.By Paul Creasy, special ……
their straying (走神的) thoughts together. Only one, and he a miserable creature, of a crazed aspect, is so... carts go round ... Several close their eyes, and think, or try to get their straying (走神的) thoughts ……
that “the repetition (重复) in the hooks also helps bring the distracted (走神的) listeners back and keeps them... added that “the repetition (重复) in the hooks also helps bring the distracted (走神的) listeners back ……
to her. They often argue with each other.Maruko's grandfather is kind butabsent-minded(走神的). He ……
-distracted (容易走神的) students stay focused.4. It's my job to know these things. (paragraph 14)Most readers ……
方教育科技集团的陈好老师将分析雅思听力和阅读考试在用词方面的范围和特点,并相应地给出备考方案。 一 听力部分 1. 听力词频特点 把剑桥雅思1到剑桥雅思9按照每一个section进行分项统计后,我们发现中国同学在听力中最容易走神的section 4第四个部分(学术 ……
会出现学生迟到、上课走神的现象,这种现象在国培课堂上也会出现。有一次,我布置学员进行多元智能的自我探究活动。活动前,我向学员重点强调了活动规则,但是活动刚开始进行,就有两个学员问我该如何填表。我耐心地指导了她们,并反 ……