要组成部分。进口关税import tariffChina has cut import tariffs on several consumer products beginning December... in demand.除了import tariff,“进口关税”还可用import duty表示。而“出口关税”则可用export tariff/duty表示。 ……
What are Donald Trump’s planned policies when he is president?Trade: He has suggested levying (征收) high tariffs (关税) on foreign products in order to get back jobs “stolen“ by countries like China ……
(建筑群或者山脉在天空映衬下展现出来的轮廓景观)”,中文通常称之为“天际线”,这也是城市景观(urban landscape)的重要组成部分。进口关税import tariffChina has cut... percent to 7.7 percent. The measure was taken to satisfy an increase in demand.除了import tariff,“进口关税 ……
of the war by imposing (征收) taxes and tariffs (关税) on the colonists.Candidates might profitably ……
) the costs of the war by imposing (征收) taxes and tariffs (关税) on the colonists.Candidates might ……
policies),部分或完全废除关税和其他贸易壁垒(tariff and non-tariff restrictions)。 21st ……
plan worries the US’ neighbors and the world特朗普的“关税大棒”到底重击了谁?特朗普的“关税大棒”到底重击了谁?Since Donald Trump’s election (选举) win in November, one word has been in the news everywhere: tariffs (关税).Since Donald Trump ……
-free policies pose challenges for Chinese businesses美国小额包裹关税政策“变脸”,有何影响?美国小额包裹关税政策“变脸”,有何影响?词数 200 建议阅读时间 3分钟词数 200 建议阅读时间 3分钟Recently, the US government revised its tariff-free (免关税) policy ……
1, 2005, China and ASEAN countries will begin to cuttariffs(关税). There are about 7,000 products... durian, which used to be very, very expensive. Now they will be cheaper." The currenttariff rate(关税 ……
-free store。 这里免掉的是关税、进口环节增值税和消费税。而tax-free store指退税店,只有满足条件的游客可以退税,退的是增值税。“免税店”译为duty-free store。 这里免掉的是关税、进口环节增值税和消费税。而tax-free store指退税店,只有满足条件的游客可以退税,退的是增值税。 ……
was a catastrophe。 carbon tariff碳关税Last week, the US House of Representatives passed a bill...包括美国在内的个别国家制定了包含"碳关税"条款的法案,欲对高耗能产品进口征收特别的二氧化碳排放关税。对此,有专家指出美国等一些发达国家是想利用国际社会对环保问题的广泛关注,通过刻意提高贸易关税如"碳关税 ……
of customs duties to prevent selling at an unfairly low price.Consolidation/consolidated customs measures (统一关税... its tariffs up to this level.Non-tariff barriers (非关税壁垒): All obstacles to trade other than customs ……
barriers/ non-tariff trade barriers 关税下调/关税贸易壁垒/非关税贸易壁垒China cut its overall import tariffs from 16.4 per ……
扩大词汇量是提高英语阅读能力的一个重要环节。今后小编将每期为大家精心挑选两组分类词汇,希望能助你一臂之力!trade(Made in China, p2)contract n. 合同profit n. 利润tax n. 税commercial adj. 商业的advertisement n. 广告soar v. 高飞;剧增decrease v. 减少tariff v. 关税customs n ……
muscles)叫做“马甲线”。Worldtit-for-tat tariffs报复性关税The US government has introduced tariffs on steel ……