But Mom, if I apologize to my competitors, it takes all fun out of capitalism (资本主义). ……
of capitalism (资本主义) and globalization. He is also well-known for his warm friendship with former Cuban... am a Maoist (毛泽东主义者)." ……
的主体) would follow a socialist system (社会主义制度), while Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan would keep their capitalist systems (资本主义制度). In 1984, Britain agreed to return (回归) Hong Kong on July 1, 1997. The Hong ……
of capitalism (资本主义).For all the work he did in many different fields, Shaw is probably best-known for one ……
humorous style. They reflect (反映) on the social changes, capitalism (资本主义), globalization ……
(共产主义的) China and the capitalist (资本主义的) US. The two countries had different views on issues around ……
and Taiwan may keep their capitalist systems (资本主义制度). For example, Hong Kong would have legislative ……
and Taiwan may keep their capitalist systems (资本主义制度). For example, Hong Kong would have legislative (立法 ……
and Taiwan may keep their capitalist systems (资本主义制度). For example, Hong Kong would have legislative (立法 ……
to modernization.“Western modernization is driven by profit and capitalism (资本主义). So, there are only small... modernization is driven by profit and capitalism (资本主义). So, there are only small portions (部分 ……
. The emails talk about their personal lives as well as big issues like capitalism (资本主义), environmental...的) world. The emails talk about their personal lives as well as big issues like capitalism (资本主义 ……
”是指在中华人民共和国内,澳门等地区是国家不可分离的部分。“两制”是指国家主体实行社会主义(socialism)制度,澳门等地区实行资本主义(capitalism)制度。本句中的“one country...)制度,澳门等地区实行资本主义(capitalism)制度。与澳门“一国两制”实践相关的表达还有:与澳门“一国两制”实践相关的表达还有:· 爱国爱澳· 爱国爱澳 love ……
country, two systems”表示“一国两制”。“一国两制”即“一个国家,两种制度”。“一国”是指在中华人民共和国内,澳门等地区是国家不可分离的部分。“两制”是指国家主体实行社会主义制度,澳门等地区实行资本主义...等地区是国家不可分离的部分。“两制”是指国家主体实行社会主义制度,澳门等地区实行资本主义制度。与“一国两制”相关的表达还有:与“一国两制”相关的表达还有:澳人治澳澳人治澳澳人治澳The people of Macao ……
seem increasingly ineffectual in the face of these capitalist (资本主义的) concerns,” Oldham added... to … the sense that governments seem increasingly ineffectual in the face of these capitalist (资本主义 ……
ofcommunism(共产主义), which upset me. We had afierce(激烈的) argument over which is more advanced, communism orcapitalism(资本主义). Finally, we agreed to discuss the question after our graduations ……