the animal hasn’t fallen for the bait (诱饵) of food set in a trap. Maybe they should try putting a purse in there. ……
in Hawaii, US. This style of photography (摄影) is usually done by hanging “bait (诱饵)&rdquo... to the early 1980s in Hawaii, US. This style of photography (摄影) is usually done by hanging “bait (诱饵 ……
. A smile could be just the right bait (诱饵) for all those cute fish in the sea.4. Why not? As cliched (陈词 ……
be just the rightbait(诱饵) for all those cute fish in the sea.4. Why not? Ascliched(陈词滥调) as it may ……
击进去之后通常发现内容落差很大。Clickbait,即click (点击) + bait (诱饵) 的合成形式,表示“诱导点击”的意思。“标题党”行为... bait (诱饵) 的合成形式,表示“诱导点击”的意思。 ……
with bait (诱饵) and a camera underwater after over 15 years of research. According to the video footage... astonishing”. Researchers spotted the fish by taking a robot with bait (诱饵) and a camera ……
's problems sometimes force us to commit foolish acts," he added.------------------------------bait: 诱饵burglar ……
preparations such as throwing the bait (诱饵) into the lake, they all felt bored. “It looks easy. Like you ……
for some reason. The whole story is fake. Some news has untrue headlines or pictures as a bait (诱饵 ……
several ways to get rid of the mammals. Traps (捕鼠夹) and bait (诱饵) stations are the main types ……
difficult to detect on platforms like Xiaohongshu. Sometimes, the post itself is just a hook (诱饵... itself is just a hook (诱饵) to gain attention, while the actual advertisement is hidden on the poster ……
traps (陷阱) with cantaloupe (美国香瓜) and peanut butter as bait (诱饵). The food will contain a deadly ……
他冷冰冰的注视). “Romney wanted a staring contest, but Obama didn’t take the bait (诱饵). He ignored it, cutting his ……
food as bait (诱饵). You may plan to take photos of certain (特定的) birds. But don’t forget... of the bird’s world. Don’t use food as bait (诱饵). Don’t use food as bait (诱饵 ……
文怎么说谢霆锋斩获影帝的作品《线人》,其正式译名为The Stool Pigeon。这个词组本意是“诱捕用的鸽子,诱饵”,逐渐引申为“(为收集情报而潜入犯罪分子内部的)密探,卧底”,例如:He suspected ……