chief for one day. Carmen needs to make a vow (誓言) and meet the policemen. She will also read her paper ……
TWO of the world’s richest men – Warren Buffett and Bill Gates – will visit China later this month. They will hold a charity party on September 29. Gates and Buffett started “The Giving Pledge (赠予誓言 ……
via microblog (微博) posts. Hsu, 35, exchanged vows (誓言) with Wang, 30, in a ceremony by a beach ……
摘自: 明星八卦[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·高三版]
your mother on fire",还把"ravishing" (美丽动人的)说成了"lavishing" (挥霍浪费的)。但是经过练习他终于说对了,粗体部分就是西式婚礼上新郎常对新娘所说的誓言。2. I do. You may kiss the bride: 我愿意。你可以亲吻新娘了。这是西式婚礼礼毕的结束语。由于Victor不小心对僵尸新娘Emily说出了这番誓言,所以,他在 ……
Pledge (赠予誓言)” project in June. The project encourages rich people to make promises to donate half ……
堂最近的地方“于众人的见证下交换誓言,浪漫到了极致。 ……
other。羽毛球“神雕侠侣”林丹和谢杏芳在“福地”完婚,两人许下誓言终生相伴。 ……
童子军:打造铁一样的小勇士。ENGLISH children sometimes say they will “do their duty to God and to the Queen”. But what does this mean? They are actually saying the oath (誓言) for the Scouts (童子军). The Scouts ……
TAYLOR Swift is known for her rollercoaster relationships. But the American singer does not expect to exchange wedding vows (誓言) with anyone in the near future. “I have no idea if I’m going to get ……
wedding vows (誓言), put on a wedding ring and even kissed it at the end of the ceremony.Torres said ……
蟆) in an oak tree (橡树) had a loaf of (一条) bread and some soap.I took an oath (誓言) and made it my goal ……
乱中丢了手机。fracture 裂缝commendable 值得表扬的compassion 同情courtesy 礼貌credible 可信的Hippocratic Oath 希波克拉底誓言(医生行医前保证遵守医生道德守则的誓言 ……
song and the oath (誓言) we committed. The impassioned (充满激情的) lyrics reminded me of the May...! What impressed me most was reviewing the League song and the oath (誓言) we committed.  ……
: 侮辱maid of honour: 女傧相 rape: 强奸seduce: 引诱 vow: 誓言 ……
.-------------------------------------------------article: (法律)条款 charter: 宪章enforcement: 实施,执行pledge: 誓言,誓约 ……