打篮球技巧固然重要,但一套好行头也许能助你一臂之力,让你更上一层楼哦!PLAYING with NBA stars is just a dream for thousands of Chinese teenagers. But at least there's one thing they can share with their idols — the high-techjerseys(运动 ……
."Peking Operacostumes(行头) and the big red lantern did not seem to surprise the audience ……
话题:你听说过“换头术”吗?意大利医生卡纳维诺正在动物身上进行头颅移植的研究和试验。待技术成熟后,这项技术有望应用于人类身上。很多患有癌症等疾病的病人可以通过该手术,将自己的头部安在死去捐赠者的躯体上,获得新生。你支持这种技术的发展吗?主持:黑龙江省尚志市珠河中学指导老师:吕春子San Wen, 14I agree with the head transplant (移植) idea ……
她在到达德州后,换了一身行头,把高跟鞋换成了白球鞋,但媒体依旧对她不依不饶。《华盛顿邮报》专栏作家罗宾·吉文在文中讽刺说,“第一夫人给我们展现了时尚的一幕,而不是向我们表达同情之心(the first lady ……
navy sport coat and a pair of leather shoes. 新添的一件海军蓝运动服和一双皮鞋让我的行头档次大增。mileage:汽车里程,每加仑汽油能跑的公里数。这个 ……
指出席同一活动的两个明星被拿来比较。英语词汇解析四级词汇burst 胀裂,开裂 trash 破坏六级词汇blunder 大错glamour 魅力outfit 服装wardrobe 服装,行头 托福词汇blacklist ……
英国摇滚魔音Jessie J。词数 438 建议阅读时间 6分钟 SHE has blood red lips, a perfectly styled bob (波波头) and a crazy wardrobe (行头). Some have even compared her to US singer Lady Gaga because of her wild fashion sense ……
Archaeologists use a wide range of tools to do fieldwork. TUCHONGArchaeologists use a wide range of tools to do fieldwork. TUCHONG工欲善其事,必先利其器,田野工作有哪些必备行头?工欲善其事,必先利其器,田野工作有哪些必备行头?How do people look ……
minimal 最小的 premise 前提 slump 衰退tragic 悲惨的 wardrobe 衣服, 行头托福词汇apathy 冷漠apocalyptic 世界末日的 barren 荒芜 ……
的plagued 受折磨的六级词汇feminine 女性的fracture 骨折wardrobe 衣柜,行头托福词汇frenzy 狂热newlywed 新婚夫妇speculation 猜测uptight ……
) This is a great time for you to buy wardrobe items because you like what you see in the mirror. 想要自己看起来美点?抓住机会给自己添置几身行头 ……
with discovered treasures. 这会儿是买些新行头(wardrobe goodies) 的绝佳时机。你淘来的宝贝将会让你感到喜悦。TAURUS 金牛座 (April 20–May 20) You’re ……
have? We have changes in appearance/...通过展示首字母启发学生,让学生进行头脑风暴,对个体成长中发生的各种变化进行归类,并结合Grammar Focus和听力内容让学生继续巩固语法结构。2.复习内容教师提问:What kind of changes do we have? We have changes in appearance/...通过展示首字母启发学生,让学生进行头 ……
(自主权) that comes in making your own wardrobe (行头), and getting dressed is more fun. I feel more...-ownership (自主权) that comes in making your own wardrobe (行头), and getting dressed is more fun. I feel ……
考题后,先不要急于动笔,要仔细看清题目要求的内容,尤其注意图示、表格或短文提供的资料和信息,划出关键词。2、联想:针对题目内容进行头脑风暴 (Brainstorming),联想各种与其相关的观点、词汇 ……