acquiescent to默从The villagers are acquiescent to the village officials’ abuse of power.村民们默许了村官们滥用职权。balk at畏缩The company board balked at this merger proposal. 公司董事会对并购提议犹豫不决。 ……
of education (学校董事会), said, “I’m a strong believer in school-community relations (关系) and I think this would ……
shows, an increasing number of women are joining corporate boards (董事会), which means they have the final ……
a way to help the kid out.Then there are the "boards ofgovernors(董事会)" which are an important part ……
worriesOpenAI’s board drama shows AI regulation worriesOpenAI董事会风波折射AI路线发展之争OpenAI董事会风波折射AI路线发展之争OpenAI... top boss.The different opinions of the board (董事会) members toward AI development might be one reason ……
美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)日前宣布,经由ETS与GRE董事会执行委员会共同商议,取消原定于今年9月在全球推出新GRE普通考试的计划。ETS的GRE项目执行董事David Payne表示,虽然...也能向研究生院提供评判考生研究能力的更可靠标准。ETS和GRE董事会执行委员会将在未来实施多项考试的改进计划,但目前暂不会采用全新的网络考试形式。” David Payne说。据悉,在中国内地、香港、台湾和韩国地区,现行 ……
of the reasons for the “breakup”. They include a rift (不和) between the club board (董事会... board (董事会) and Messi, their worries about aging players and one big thing – Barcelona&rsquo ……
记者近日获悉,已关闭的现行GRE普通考试报名工作日前正式恢复。至此,ETS的GRE项目董事会原定于今年9月在全球推出的新GRE普通考试的计划取消,以确保考生在申请截止日期前顺利报考。美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)合作伙伴国家教育部考试中心日前宣布,GRE双模式普通考试(笔试+机考作文)的网上报名已在www.etest.edu.cn和www.etest.net.cn网站恢复,考生 ……
浏览托福考试介绍并下载真题,题型涵盖听力、阅读、口语和写作四个部分。据悉,此次在托福考试官方网站上免费提供托福网考真题的决定得到了托福考试董事会的鼎力支持与指导。 ……
advertising campaign would be impactful and generate a lot of sales.董事会相信新的广告宣传活动会产生很大的影响,并使销售额大幅提高。get ……
Removal (去除校服制度)” on March 18. Currently, the school board (董事会) policy calls for students to wear ……
新东方批准回购股票计划近日,据国外媒体报道,新东方教育科技集团宣布,该公司董事会已批准了一项股票回购计划。根据批准的回购计划,新东方将在今年2月25日至12月31日期间回购公司100万股美国存托凭证。回购的时间和延长回购时间将依据市场条件、美国存托凭证交易价格以及其它因素决定。新东方董事会董事将定期检查股票回购项目,并可能授权调整回购期限和回购规模。瑞思学科英语“圈地”加速据报道,市值达120 ……
摘自: 八面来风[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
of trustees(董事会) and by a studentrepresentative(代表). Then the seniors lined up in a circle, while the head ……
. "It is not like aboard of directors(董事会) of a company. You can't join just because of how much money you ……
. "It is not like aboard of directors(董事会) of a company. You can't join just because of how much money you ……