and doing something anyway.本句很好地总结了电影主角Baggins吸引人的地方,即:真正的英雄行为不是无所畏惧,而是心怀畏惧却仍然勇往直前。 ……
news program CBR. “I loved the concept (概念) of that, and that really excited me.”Anti-hero意为“既有反派的缺点又具有英雄气质或做出英雄行为 ……
and heroic deeds (英雄行为), victory (胜利) will come for sure. Facing the spread of the novel... the virus is not easy. But as long as there are heroes and heroic deeds (英雄行为), victory (胜利) will come ……
and heroic deeds (英雄行为), victory (胜利) will come for sure. TEENSWhen... as there are heroes and heroic deeds (英雄行为), victory (胜利) will come for sure. TEENS ……
. But as long as there are heroes and heroic deeds (英雄行为), victory (胜利) will come for sure. TEENS ... deeds (英雄行为), victory (胜利) will come for sure. TEENS Quotes on heroism A hero is a man ……
and heroic deeds (英雄行为), victory (胜利) will come for sure. TEENSWhen you... and heroic deeds (英雄行为), victory (胜利) will come for sure. TEENS ……
'sheroic behaviour(英雄行为) usually left them injured or even dead because they failed to fullyforesee(预测 ……
is through heroics (英雄行为) on the battlefield (战场). All they want is respect. They want people to point ……
生命挑战不合理的制度或命运。生命完结了,悲剧也就完成了。撒旦由不可一世的魔王蜕变为卑贱的爬行动物,即是被宣布了精神死亡。他挑战上帝的英雄行为也成为千古绝唱。古往今来,再无人敢与上帝争辩。上帝相对统一了西方世界的意识形态。神佛...悲剧中的主角通常由理性、尊贵的重要人物所担任,如希腊神话中的天神普洛米修斯、莎士比亚笔下的丹麦王子哈姆雷特等。主人翁所遭受的痛苦,均是由于英雄主义的行为与命运的必然性之间的冲突所致。人生 ……
摘自: 悲剧英雄命不同[文/中国传媒大学南广学院 李存颉, 21世纪英语教育周刊]