Why cats' eyes shine in the night?为什么猫的眼睛在晚上会发光?Q: Why do cats' eyes glow in the dark?A: Cats arepredators(肉食动物), and rely on their strong night vision to hunt and capture theirprey(猎物). You'll ……
timid (胆怯的), and must not be kept next to carnivores (肉食动物). Apart from the seals, the other two... not be kept next to carnivores (肉食动物). Apart from the seals, the other two water-loving animals live next ……
我们的祖先并不是“肉食动物” 我们的祖先并不是“肉食动物” 词数 230 建议阅读时间 3分钟词数 230 建议阅读时间 3分钟Have you ever thought about what people in the Stone Age ate before the emergence of farming around 10,000 years ……
, seems to be very safe.Don’t runRunning from these large carnivores (肉食动物) is not advised ... if you run ……
. Every animal on the planet, whether it’s a small insect or a large carnivore (肉食动物), can serve... it’s a small insect or a large carnivore (肉食动物), can serve as a problem-solving tool for the humans. When ……
. Bears have the largest brains compared to their body size of all carnivores (肉食动物). However, more... a “comb”. People used to think that using tools was an ability unique to primates (灵长动物) – humans ……
than out in the wild. In a zoo, obviously, they’re not threatened by predators (肉食动物); there’s always...大象在野生的环境中比在动物园里更长寿。词数 415 建议阅读时间 5分钟 教案和课件见网站FOR many people, a trip to the zoo usually means ……
happens, predator (肉食动物) species of animals are discriminated (被歧视的) against and the prey (猎物) species...《疯狂动物城》讲述坚持理想、放下偏见的故事。词数 412 教案和课件见网站 建议阅读时间 7分钟USING animals to tell stories that teach important ……
寻求更好的发展空间,在另一个城市找到工作,与配偶开始两地分居的生活。他们见面的频率则视地域远近情况而定。这样的夫妻被称为“通勤夫妻”。肉食女:girls of prey点评:如果根据“肉食”的词典意义(carnivorous)来翻译,就会产生“吃肉的女孩”的歧义。但如果按该词的内涵意义将该词译为love-hunting girls或love-chasing girls,却又失去了“肉食”二字中含有的“像肉食动物 ……