灵古怪的丹尼尔走进孩子们的世界时,学习英语也不再是件枯燥的事了。爱看American Idol的爸爸、热衷减肥的妈妈、追求时尚的姐姐、调皮捣蛋的弟弟,这家人就像你的邻居一样亲切,他们的生活普通而又生动。跟着他们学习英语,你会 ……
“跟着感觉走。”英语怎么说?Go with the flow.例句: We didn’t follow the directions. Instead, we decided to just go with the flow. 我们没有看指示。相反,我们决定跟着感觉走。 ……
跟着太阳走的花盆。HELLO, I’m a smart flowerpot (花盆). I can move according to the direction (方向) of the sun. I can help plants grow (生长) better. ……
跟着感觉走A: I want to take part in our school’s badminton match. But I’m afraid I will fail.B: Don’t be nervous (紧张). Just follow your heart. follow your heart 意思是跟着感觉走,做自己喜欢的事情。你可以用来鼓励还在犹豫做决定的朋友。 ……
VCG 跟着2025旅游趋势去看世界!跟着2025旅游趋势去看世界!Travel lovers will take trips ‘outside of the box’ in 2025 PAGES 4-5Travel lovers will take trips ‘outside of the box&rsquo ……
I-dog loves music! Play your favorite music to him. 它就会摇头晃脑地跟着音乐节奏跳起舞来。You can find this amazing toy in China now. ……
跟着爱犬开怀大笑。DOGS can smile, too! This toy ball has a picture of a big smile. There’s a hole in the ball. You can put your dog’s food into it. When your dog picks up the ball and runs to you, you’ll ……
虫Example:You're going to the new shopping mall? Do you mind if I tag along?(你要去那个新开的购物中心吗?我跟着你去行吗?)My little sister is such a tag along - she follows me everywhere I go!(我的小妹真是个跟屁虫—我上哪儿她都跟着!)Word Origin ……
为什么小鸭子总是跟着妈妈排队游?为什么小鸭子总是跟着妈妈排队游? They do this to save energy. When mother duck swims, she leaves waves behind. Following their mother, baby ducks can swim in the waves. Some waves give ……
跟着小猴在梦境里漫游。"When I sleep, I dream (做梦). And when I dream, I can do anything I can imagine (想象)," says Julius the monkey. He is now in a children's book called Only in Dreams — A Bedtime Story.He ……
跟着阳光跑的花盆。DO you like flowers? Are you worried that your flowers don’t get enough sunlight? A solar plant pot (太阳能花盆) may help you with this problem in the future. It is a new British invention (发明 ……
There be 句型:There be +名词+地点状语,表示“某处有(存在)某人或某物”。be 的单复数形式由其后紧跟着的名词的单复数决定。注意:be动词不可换成have的形式。 ……
摘自: 学语法[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·初一版]
乖乖跟着你跑的旅行箱。PULLING a big suitcase around is tiring. The Hop suitcase saves you that trouble. It’s made by a company in Spain. It receives signals (信号) sent from your mobile phone and follows you ……
Han Xue, 32, ChinaOn the first episode of Dragon TV’s reality show Survivor Games (《跟着贝尔去冒险》), Han...是“娇气的”。在《跟着贝尔去冒险》第一期中,韩雪拒绝生吃蚯蚓被网友批评,当再次面对装满虫子的“地狱头盔”挑战时,她终于迎接挑战成功。 ……
跟着鹿晗一起“奔跑”吧!GOOD news for Running Man fans – Lu Han, the handsome singer and actor, joins the show! The 25-year-old takes the place of Bao Bei’er. Bao, 31, leaves because he has other work. “It’s an ……