施蛰存先生是我国著名翻译家、作家和编辑家. 他1905年生于杭州,1922年考入杭州之江大学,次年转入上海大学,两年后转到大同大学,参加五卅运动. 1926年转入震旦大学法文班,加入共青团,与同学戴望舒、刘呐鸥办刊物,开书店,参与冯雪峰和鲁迅拟定的苏联文艺理论丛书译介. 1932年起,施蛰存在上海主编大型文学月刊《现代》并从事小说创作,1952年调任华东师范大学中文系教授,1993年被授予“上海市文学艺术杰出贡献奖”. ……
摘自: 跟随翻译大家共游世界文苑[上海应用技术大学人文学院副教授、《施蛰存译文全集》执行编委 刘军, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
古今中外,作家似乎都偏爱旅行. 荷马史诗中奥德修斯漂泊十年,终返故里,遂成就希腊圣经. ……
SHI NIAN / FOR TEENS 新中国成立75周年:跟随七代人的故事,回顾时代浪潮新中国成立75周年:跟随七代人的故事,回顾时代浪潮Chinese born in different decades discuss China’s evolution over 75 years PAGES 3-5Chinese born in different ……
能自动跟随你的智能购物箱。You like to go shopping. But you hate to carry heavy shopping bags. Then Gita is what you need. The robot can carry your shopping items (物品) from the store straight to your door. It can ……
, then,fllowme. I'll show you.老虎就这样一直跟在狐狸后面, 一路上遇到几个小动物。(D)生词大本营foxy 狡猾的forest 森林believe 相信follow 跟随afraid 害怕生词大本营生词大本营生词大本营foxy 狡猾的forest 森林believe 相信follow 跟随afraid 害怕foxy 狡猾的forest 森林believe 相信follow 跟随 ……
出damagev. 破坏mean adj.不善的,刻毒的stick with: 跟随HELPHELPHELPstare v. 用眼瞪figure out: 推测出damagev. 破坏mean adj.不善的,刻毒的stick with: 跟随stare v. 用眼瞪figure out: 推测出damagev. 破坏mean adj.不善的,刻毒的stick with: 跟随stare v. 用眼 ……
a lie. He wants to eat us. Let's run!(要不是聪明的小鸡,大伙儿早就成为狐狸的盘中餐了!)生词大本营 fall 落下palace 宫殿follow 跟随cave 洞穴生词大本营生词大本营生词大本营fall 落下palace 宫殿follow 跟随cave 洞穴fall 落下fall 落下palace 宫殿palace 宫殿follow 跟随follow 跟随 ……
大本营 paint 画almost 几乎feed 喂食follow 跟随 mad 非常生气mean 想要cause 引起 生词大本营生词大本营生词大本营paint 画almost 几乎feed 喂食follow 跟随paint 画paint 画almost 几乎almost 几乎feed 喂食feed 喂食follow 跟随follow 跟随mad 非常生气mean 想要cause 引起  ……
一直乖乖跟随你的智能购物箱。You like to go shopping. But you hate to carry heavy shopping bags. Then Gita is what you need. The robot can help carry your shopping items (物品). And it can go straight to your door ……
读报纸 盼奥运
之旅第一次在南半球举行的奥运会是哪一届?When did people begin to sing the Olympic song? 这个学期,请继续跟随我们的脚步,畅游奥运之旅。We ……
. And they always follow (跟随) Yeti around the farm as if she were their real mother.The farmer says he ……
followed (跟随着) Jack to the shop and Jack bought a very nice doll for her. The little girl began ……
’s coming.” “It’s no use,” Pat replies hopelessly (无望地). “He’ll follow (跟随) us there.” TEENS ……
KYOTO ANIMATION 跟随《冰菓》四人组一起推理吧!跟随《冰菓》四人组一起推理吧!Do you like going on exciting adventures (冒险)? Let me tell you about a Japanese anime (动漫) called Hyouka (《冰菓》). It’s a story about four high ……
让我们一起来回顾上期的佳句吧:一、跟随你的内心:1. 做你自己,充分利用你的天赋,这些是成功的关键。Being the person who you are and making the most... you really want to be. (P3)4. 跟随你的内心,为自己的人生奋斗。无论如何都不要(Under no circumstances)停止为梦想努力。Follow your ……