了无数艺术爱好者的眼球。来自文艺复兴(Renaissance)发源地意大利的12个博物馆收藏的绘画(paintings)雕塑(sculptures)和挂毯(tapestries)等共80多件展品造访中国,让中国观众首次如此近距离 ……
staffREADING GUIDE | 阅读指导stay in touch 保持联系distance n. 距离opposite adj. 相反的suitable adj. 适合的contact v. 联系 ……
助学活动提供赞助,开展全国高校大型巡回公益讲座,举办大型英语学习主题盛典以及捐赠活动等。带动招生效果明显在激烈的外语培训市场竞争中,举办大学公益活动是外语培训机构社会责任感的一种体现,也能拉近外语培训机构与大学生之间的距离 ……
融视频、音频、文字于一体 为外语学习注入时尚元素
继“博客”在网络上大行其道后,“播客”(Podcast)如今也开始在现代人的生活中“大显身手”. 美国“皮尤网络与美国生活项目”近日发布的一项调查报告称,12%的美国网民至少下载收听过一次播客,而去年这一比例仅为7%. ……
The power of connectionIt was a late-summer morning. I was out for my usual morning run. I stopped under a bridge for a moment of shade. ……
由英国发起的“时代中国”教育项目近日正式启动,该项目旨在帮助英国各地学生学习和了解中国文化。例如,英国小学生将学习如何用中文从一数到十,聆听古老的中国故事,学写中国汉字;中学生将学习一些中文的日常用语,欣赏中国传统和现代艺术,了解中国的地理知识和历史文化。据了解,“时代中国”活动由英国40多家大公司于2006年共同发起,活动的主体阶段从2008年2月至7月在英国约25个城市同时举行,活动项目将达800余项,是英国有史以来举办的规模最大的中国文化活动。. ……
今年春节,电影《流浪地球》火了!这部改编自刘慈欣同名科幻小说,由郭帆导演,吴京、屈楚萧、李光洁等出演的科幻冒险电影获得口碑与票房双丰收,成为中国电影市场和中国科幻电影史上的一部现象级大片. 《人民日报》发文为《流浪地球》点赞:. “在《流浪地球》里我们看到了一种理念,一种将全人类团结在一起‘集中力量办大事’的理念”;. ……
As the tree grows, a notch (切痕) in it will remain (保持) the same distance (距离) from the ground. ……
和北极熊零距离“接触”The two children are swimming with polar bears. Is it safe? Don’t worry. They are in a zoo in Canada. There is a thick piece of glass between the children and the bears. ……
up-close look近距离观察After a nine-year, 4.8-billion-km journey, mankind’s first *Pluto *probe came out... billion years ago. Up-close指“近距离的”。注意与close-up的区别。Close-up指近距离的“特写照片、镜头”。 ……
与猛兽零距离WHAT will you do if a hungry lion jumps at you? Scream (尖叫) or run! But visitors at an Australian zoo smile. That's because there are glass walls between the visitors and animals. Visitors can ……
视力保护器Don’t get too close to computer screens (屏幕). It’s bad for your eyes. Why not put “i-care” onto your screen? When the distance (距离) from your eyes to the screen is less than 50cm, i-care ……
最长的高尔夫球棒。THIS is the world’s longest golf club. It is made by Denmark artist Karsten Maas. Measuring 4.37m, the big golf club is usable (可用的). It has been used to drive a ball a distance (距离) of 165 ……
世界纪录Furthest arrow shot with feet用脚射箭最远距离Nancy Siefker is from the US. She is 26 years old. She is able to shoot an arrow (射箭) 6.09 meters with feet. It is the world’s furthest6 arrow shot using feet. ……
Less hospital visitsARE you tired of waiting for hours in the hospital to see a doctor? In the US, there is a new way to visit doctors – telemedicine (远距离医学治疗). It’s a method that connects doctors ……