杰克考试作弊露马脚。 JACK is a lazy (懒惰的) student. He always gets bad grades. At the end of the year, the teacher says to him, "Ask your parents to come in. You cheat (作弊) in exams."Jack gets angry and says ……
生物课上,老师手里拿着一个奇怪的玻璃罐子进了教室。正当同学们面面相觑的时候,老师宣布要考试啦!考试的题目就是:“猜猜我这罐子里腌的是什么?不是小猪,也不是小牛犊……”老师停顿了一下,同学们已经乱作一团。到底是什么呢?好像它确实曾经是个活物呢!老师最后宣布了正确答案:“是上次被抓住的那个考试作弊的学生!” ……
摘自: 漫说漫画[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·初三版]
be used to stop this happening in the future.Stopping the cheats考试作弊=违反法律!DO students whocheat(作弊 ……
SituationTony is in hot water now.How come?He was caught cheating on the maths exam.How to useIn hot water意思是"惹麻烦了,倒大霉了"。当某人in hot water时,就意味着他/她因为说错话或做错事而即将有麻烦。Tony 数学考试作弊被逮个正着(caught cheating),所以 ……
做某事的时候被抓到”的意思。She was ______. (考试作弊被抓)参考答案:1. (I am) in trouble 2. get his homework done; painted pink3 ……
屏蔽手机信号就能防止考试作弊吗?WITH the rise of the cell phone, there has been the rise of something else - short message cheating in schools during exams. The cheats send messages to their friends in the exam hall ……
基本完成了本文的写作任务。2016 湖北鄂州今年我国首次将高考作弊列入刑事处罚,称为史上最严高考。请就“学生考试作弊”这一话题,谈谈自己的看法。注意: 1. 词数80-100;开头已给出,但不计入总词数。 2. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称及其 它相关信息,否则不予评分。 3. 参考词汇: exam room 考场, exam-cheating 考试作弊, illegal behavior 违法 ……
.(一时找不到工作,无需垂头丧气,天无绝人之路。)然而考试作弊应不应该呢?你觉得老师的眼光不断投向你,犹如*芒刺在背:feel nervous and uneasyuneasy意为“不自在的”His...There will always be a way outThere will always be a way out铃声响起,期末考试开始了!每个题目好像都会做,你心中十分得意。可是*乐极 ……
on the final exam.这是个交易: 杰克给约翰五美元让他保守自己期末考试作弊的这个秘密。Lin Yanwei is a campus correspondent at Beijing Normal ……
近日,教育部高等教育司启动了“高等学校教学质量与教学改革工程”项目“大学英语四、六级网络考试系统研发与服务体系建设”。据悉,该项目旨在建立和完善现代信息技术条件下大学英语四、六级考试新模式,实现网上报名、缴费、预约和基于大型题库的网络考试。该项目有利于实现考试管理信息化;考务管理科学、规范化;考试程序公平、公正化,减少考试作弊现象,提高考试的信度和效度。预计2009年底前,一个 ……
this from me: Henry got a high mark this time. But, the fact is, he cheated on the test. (别和别人说是我说的哦。虽然亨利这次考试成绩很好,但是实际上他考试作弊了。)There're a lot of rumors going around… 很多人传言说……People know something ……
如果考试作弊很容易,你会这么做吗?MANY people say they wouldn’t cheat on a test or refuse to help a person in need. But what if the test answers fell into your lap and cheating didn’t require any work on your part ……
本期话题:每一位家长都希望自己的孩子讲真话、不说谎。然而在现实生活中,部分家长却发现随着年龄的增长,孩子慢慢有了说谎、考试作弊等不诚实行为。你是否曾经撒过谎?为什么?本期主持:南京育英第二外国语学校 初三(13)班主持人:虎之岳Zuo Xinyue, 14: I lied (撒谎) to my mom once, but it was for a good purpose. One day ……
SAT考试作弊,中国学生诚信度打折。TAKING an exam has an evil twin called “cheating”. And some Chinese and South Korean high school students have recently had a real taste of its bitterness (痛苦).They took the SAT ……
:t/ v. 作弊用法:作“作弊,欺诈”解时是不及物动词,sb cheat in the exam 考试作弊;作“欺骗”时可作及物动词,如:cheat the customer 欺骗顾客。I would ……