andcontracts(缩), creating lower pressure inside the bottle than outside. The greater pressure outside ……
justshrank(缩) to the size of a six-year-old! He changed his name toConan Edogawa(江户川柯南) to hide from them ……
would tremble (颤抖) and I would speak as little as possible. I’d then shrink (缩) in my seat, feeling... tremble (颤抖) and I would speak as little as possible. I’d then shrink (缩) in my seat, feeling smaller ……
在前,享受在后。(Be the first to bear hardship, and the last to enjoy comforts.)(3)重紧缩与简约紧,就是紧凑,缩,就是压缩,简,就是简化,约 ……