What should I do on World AIDS Day?TRY to wear a Red Ribbon (红丝带)on December 1, World AIDS Day.The Red Ribbon was made by a group of American artists 12 years ago.People wear it to show they care ……
了解艾滋病,关爱艾滋病病人课件及教案见网站 DECEMBER 1 is World AIDS Day. Students at a school in Jiangxi province showed their care for AIDS patients (病人) in a special way. With red ribbons (红丝带) in their hands ……
”“磁浮”“红丝带”“苏丹红”“刮刮卡”“等离子显示器”等最新用语,都被收录其中。汉语中的一些专用词,也首次进入《英汉大词典(第2版)》的条目,如“四人帮”“普通话”“仰韶文化”“红筹股”等等。原版 ……
of their school's "Red Ribbon Volunteer Service Team (红丝带志愿者服务队)".But Ye and the team don't just learn ……
用这份报纸展出了研究成果。他们把报纸分为五个小板块,分别介绍了艾滋病的定义、HIV病毒、艾滋病起源的几种说法、艾滋病最早的识别标志、艾滋病窗口期及艾滋病毒携带者的概念等。有些板块还附有相关图案,如国际红十字会的图案、象征希望的红丝带 ……