回顾2008年,英语教材、教辅市场趋于稳定,无论是中小学教材还是高校教材,都在沿着教学改革的方向,为构建更为成熟的学科体系添砖加瓦。总体来看,现有的英语教材经修订后更加完善;填补空白...校申报设置本科翻译专业的申请正式获得批准。但长期以来,国内一直缺少专门针对本科翻译专业出版的教材,各高校使用的教材多以自主研发为主。而2008年7月,外教社开始陆续推出国内首套“翻译专业本科生系列教材”,填补了国内这一空白。在翻 ……
量表包括笔译、口译能力量表,这在国外的语言能力量表中亦属鲜见,填补了国内外语言能力量表的空白。该项目负责人广东外语外贸大学刘建达教授表示,中国约有3亿名英语学习者,但各教学大纲缺乏连贯性,各类 ……
社在引进选题时也应制定严谨而科学的标准。外语教学与研究出版社学术与辞书出版分社编辑部主任申葳在接受采访时表示,外研社引进出版的英语学术专著从最初的语言学系列到文学研究再到翻译理论著作,其选题都以学科建设为导向,以填补国内相关学科领域的空白 ……
近日,一套语言学知识词典的鸿篇巨制——《语言与语言学百科全书》(第2版)由上海外语教育出版社引进出版. 该套百科全书共14卷,由剑桥大学Keith. Brown教授主编、全球70多个国家和地区的700多位权威专家和著名学者历时十余年编纂完成. 在谈到这套百科全书引进过程时,上海外语教育出版社学术事业部负责人孙静说,外教社作为一家专业的外语教育出版机构,一直把出版和引进权威的外语学术著作当作使命. ……
Karen, one of my co-workers, complained about her apartment every day. One day I asked her why she didn’t look for 1. __________ apartment. ……
Fishing with my grandpaOne day, my grandpa went fishing and let me come with him. He handed me the rod, held my arms and 1. _______(teach) me how to throw my line into the water. ……
These days so many things are going digital (数字化), and books are too. People can buy e-books or cheap books online. This means that some bookstores have a hard time staying open. ……
Some days, don’t you think, “Wouldn’t it be nice if the laundry would just do itself?” 1. _________________________ But Australian researchers have found a way to make something like this possible!A team at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, found a way to put special nanostructures (纳米结构) into clothing, which can then clean the clothes. 2. ……
DIGITAL devices like laptops are common these days. But using paper materials are still popular among college students in the US. “With printed books, they can write in the margins (页边空白处), underline ……
to write an article called The Result of Laziness, and I turned in a blank (空白的) sheet of paper. TEENS ……
一只吃草的羊An artist is showing off (炫耀) his work. He points to a blank (空白的) piece of paper and says, “That is a sheep grazing (吃草).” “Where is the grass?” a visitor asks.“The sheep ate it,” the artist ……
in the margins (页边空白处), underline interesting sentences and fold a page corner to mark the places where ……
Truly lazy studentMother: Why were you kept after school today, Johnny?Johnny: The teacher told us to write a passage on “the result of laziness” and I turned in a blank (空白的) sheet of paper.How much ……
美食小笼包(2023)。(二)设题规律(二)设题规律《考试说明》指出:在一篇200词左右的语言材料中留出10个空白,部分空白的后面给出单词的基本形式,要求考生根据上下文填写空白处所需的内容(1个单词)或所提供单词的正确形式。《考试说明》指出:在一篇200词左右的语言材料中留出10个空白,部分空白的后面给出单词的基本形式,要求考生根据上下文填写空白处所需的内容(1个单词)或所提供单词的正确形式。语法填空设空,从考 ……
hold on 坚持put sb. in spotlight 使…成为焦点go blank 头脑)变成空白overcome v. 克服 Words... 头脑)变成空白overcome v. 克服hold on 坚持hold on 坚持put sb. in spotlight 使…成为焦点put sb. in spotlight 使…成为焦点go ……