当你看到市场上的椰枣不断上架,销售量逐渐增多时,你就知道穆斯林(Muslim)一年一度的斋月来临了。从上月23日起,全世界的伊斯兰国家陆续进入了斋月(the month of fasting)。斋月的开始和结束是以新月的出现为标志,全球穆斯林根据当地新月出现的时间先后进入斋月。因此,斋月的起讫日期每年都不一致。今年的斋月将于本月24日前后结束。斋月是伊斯兰教历的第九个月,阿拉伯语又称“拉玛 ……
US make-over abroadUS President-elect Barack Obama says he will try to fix America's image among the world's Muslims (穆斯林) and will use his entire name, Barack Hussein Obama, in his swearing-in (宣誓 ……
穆斯林在斋月净化心灵,修身养性。词数 185 建议阅读时间 4分钟THE Chinese are not the only people with a lunar calendar (阴历). Muslims (穆斯林) use one, too. The ninth month in the Islamic (伊斯兰教的) calendar is of special importance ……
flag为定语从句,修饰the way。句意为:虽然警察说Monis独自行动,有精神病史,但他强迫人质举起穆斯林旗帜的行为在城里激起了反穆斯林的情绪。 ……
AfghanistanAfghanistan is a mountainous nation circled by other countries on every side. It has a population of 19 million people and Kabul is its capital. Most Afghans are Muslims(穆斯林) . Afghanistan ……
(穆斯林), for example, do not eatpork(猪肉).Other people eat only fruits and vegetables. They don't eat ……
. In Chinese, it is “穿着名牌牛仔裤,带着穆斯林头巾的穆斯林少女在郊区的商场里闲逛。而在附近的咖啡厅里,其他民族的中国人一边喝着啤酒,吃着熘肉片,一边打着麻将。” ……
月23日在法国尼斯,一名在海滩上晒太阳的女性被三名警察勒令脱下外层的长袖泳衣,因为包括尼斯在内的法国南部23个城市已明令禁止女性穿着穆斯林风格的套头全身泳衣。这一禁令颁布于7月14日尼斯恐袭之后。政府...欧元。但法国国内对此举措的反对声高涨,他们认为把一切伊斯兰元素与恐怖主义联系在一起会将穆斯林群体边缘化(marginalize),使他们更难融入社会(integrate into society ……
records since it was started three months ago.2. FRANCEParis violenceTHE death of two FrenchMuslim(穆斯林 ……
: 亚美尼亚人Islam: 伊斯兰Kurd: 库尔德人Muslim: 穆斯林prosecution: 起诉secularism: 世俗 ……
was a Muslim (穆斯林) and so didn’t eat pork. She missed the chance of a taste of lots of marvelous (绝妙 ……
摘自: A tough time[BY HU ZIWEI, NANJING FOREIGN LANGUAGE SCHOOL, 21世纪学生英文报·高二版]
, reports said. A group said they carried out the attack. They may be Muslim militants (穆斯林武装分子).2 ……
people in Syria are Muslim (穆斯林). Syria has a complex (复杂的) history. Many different countries and groups...). The capital is Damascus, one of the oldest cities in the world. Most people in Syria are Muslim (穆斯林 ……
的 restrict 约束 suspicion 怀疑六级词汇appease 安抚counterpart 相应的人或物 impulse 冲动 sacred 神圣的托福词汇burka (穆斯林女子在公众场合下穿的)蒙住全身的长袍discrimination 歧视luxurious 豪华的Muslim 穆斯林 pregnancy 怀孕racism 种族歧视squander 浪费 stigmatize 诬蔑 ……
preparations for the yearly pilgrimage 圣城麦加将迎来众多朝圣者,全城蓄势以待圣城麦加将迎来众多朝圣者,全城蓄势以待Muslim pilgrims (穆斯林... began on the evening of June 14.Muslim pilgrims (穆斯林朝圣者) have begun arriving in Mecca in Saudi Arabia ……