戴尔国际英语学校被称为是一个“生于美国而享誉中国的英语培训学校”。创办人王中伟1999年从美国回国倡导并实践“实用主义”英语教育理念,力图以“教育强国”,以提升国民英语听说能力为己任,试图颠覆中国英语教学的应试教育传统,改变中国国民对英语教育的认识。2005年9月英语教育专家彭铁城成出任戴尔国际英语学校校长,彭铁城成曾留学美国,在多所美国高等院校任教,主要从事英语、TOEFL教育工作。1998年 ……
DevelopmentGoals Advocate可持续发展目标倡导者United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres appointed (任命) a new class...续农业)。Advocate可以表示“倡导者”,如devil’s advocate (故意唱反调的人)。 ……
(倡导者) in heritage protection, we felt honored to meet the world’s leading group of researchers ……
in at a restaurant, Glendale environmental advocate (倡导者) Monica Campagna recommends that you bring your own..., Glendale environmental advocate (倡导者) Monica Campagna recommends that you bring your own reusable container ……
it in a washable container.If you choose to eat at a restaurant, Glendale environmental advocate (倡导者) Monica... container.If you choose to eat at a restaurant, Glendale environmental advocate (倡导者) Monica Campagna ……
, Glendale environmental advocate (倡导者) Monica Campagna recommends that you bring your own reusable... environmental advocate (倡导者) Monica Campagna recommends that you bring your own reusable container ……
England was one of pop artpioneers(倡导者). Hedefined(定义) this art as being "popular, low-cost,mass-produced ……
and is opposed by animal rights advocates (倡导者). While it would make it illegal to sell and import cloned ……
more than to make his audience laugh: he wanted to convert (改造) them.He was a fierce advocate (倡导者 ……
近日,为纪念蔡元培诞辰150周年,复旦大学举办了一场主题为“蔡元培的外语生活与兼容并包的文化思想”的讲座。据介绍,晚清进士翰林出身的蔡元培,其实是狂热的外语爱好者。他先后学习过日语、英语、拉丁语、德语,还是中国世界语的积极倡导者。他能娴熟运用日语和德语翻译异域文献,先后在绍兴中西学堂规划外语教学、在南洋公学特班教授日汉翻译课程。1907至1911年他留学德国,前后修习了约40门课程,所选 ……
联合国交给全球17位杰出人士一项改变世界的计划。 The United Nations recently announced its newest Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Advocates (可持续发展目标倡导者) - including Jack Ma, executive chairman of Chinese tech giant ……
advocates (倡导者) who have made outstanding contributions to human progress. Their achievements and wisdom..., writers or peace advocates (倡导者) who have made outstanding contributions to human progress ……
岗位) are held by women. “Yan inspires female scientists globally and is a strong advocate (倡导者... globally and is a strong advocate (倡导者) for gender equality in research and science education,” said ……
.---------------------------------------exponent: 倡导者formation: 阵型practitioner: 实施者pragmatic: 功利的total football: 全攻全守足球 ……
-confidence.It was her own childhood that led Gaga to become an anti-bullying advocate (倡导者). She revealed ……