later this year.The Magna Carta is an importantdocument(文件) in British law. EnglishBarons(男爵) forced ……
Ferguson. If a woman receives a life peerage, she becomes a "Baroness" (女男爵) while a female knight ……
a life peerage, she becomes a "Baroness" (女男爵) while a female knight is known as a "Dame" (女爵 ……
and stole the food that they had grown.The barons (男爵) of England were very angry and they wanted things ……
(Marquis或Marquess)、伯爵(Earl)、子爵(Viscount)和男爵(Baron)5个等级。原来的贵族爵位都是世袭的,且只能有一个继承人。长子是法定继承人。自1958年以后,英国... Grace”。侯爵、伯爵、子爵和男爵都可以被称为“Lord”(勋爵)。直接称呼他们时,都可用“Your Lordship”。间接提及时可用“Lord +姓”或“Lord +地名”。公爵、侯爵、伯爵 ……
作品风靡全球半个世纪 32部经典小说中文译本全新亮相
终破解了谋杀案。小说《人性记录》讲述了一个以自我为中心的电影明星简威尔金森委托大侦探波洛说服她的丈夫——埃奇韦尔男爵与她离婚。百般无奈之下,波洛勉强答应了这一要求。然而,就在当晚,男爵却意外被杀。有人看见简威尔金森曾拜访过男爵 ……
is the daughter of a baronet (准男爵) in England and her family ran a small recording studio (录音 ……
!” cried the baronet (准男爵). “See, the other moves also! Now, you rascal (恶棍), do you deny ……
what the point was which was under discussion. After a time the baronet (从男爵) opened his door ……
国时期著名诗人徐志摩翻译成了中文。Candide是法语单词,意为“单纯的,老实的”,相当于英文中的candid。该小说主题是批判盲目乐观主义哲学。书中的主人公就叫作Candide,译作赣第德。本书的主要情节是,老实人赣第德是一位男爵(baron)收养的私生子,他爱上了男爵的女儿,结果被赶出了家门,从此四处漂泊流浪,遭遇种种折磨和灾难,但他仍然坚信这个世界上一切事物都是完美的。因此,Candide被称为“盲目 ……
提出恢复奥运会的是体操运动创始人、德国的古茨穆茨,而真正使奥林匹克运动重获新生的,则是被誉为“现代奥运会之父”的法国男爵顾拜旦。1892年11月25日,在巴黎索邦神学院,顾拜旦作了“复兴奥林匹克”的著名演说,提出 ……
摘自: 漫谈奥运古今史[文/孙鹏 (北京新东方学校综合能, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
they didn’t have very much money. He took land and stole food from people.The barons (男爵) of England were... could and couldn’t do.The barons (男爵) of England were angry and they wanted things to change. They went ……
years of preparation between games.BackgroundSebastian Newbold Coe, Baron (男爵) Coe: chairman of London ……
to lowest): duke (公爵), marquess (侯爵), earl(伯爵), viscount (子爵) and baron(男爵).Making sense1. Women hate ……
物还具有专一性,除了本公司的代言外,被任何一个企业盗用都可以追究其法律责任。 中文翻译这则消息就像邪恶的红男爵突射机关枪一样出其不意:史努比,那个勇敢的小猎犬,同时也是连载动漫《花生》中的明星被“击落”了 ……