陆毅片场受伤不下火线YOUNG Chinese actor Lu Yi was hurt during the shooting of the TV series "Great Ambitions" (《雄心壮志》). In the 20-episode (集) series, he plays footballer Ou Li.Lu tripped over (绊倒) a sponge ……
a lot like Uncle Potter because his hair is now a little thinner.survive v. 幸存,活下来。尽管三大主演都活了下来,不过哈迷们或许也会从这些片场 ……
意思的表达还有gallant, heroic, valiant,强调“英勇无畏的”,或knightly,着重有绅士风度的方面。布拉德·皮特千钧一发化危机,片场挺身而出勇救女龙套。 ……
生活里的她也是一位美貌与智慧并存的优雅女性,即使在片场研读剧本的时候,也不忘保持着淑女的姿态。 ……
光芒的背后是人们对她的期许和要求(demand):在片场的时间不由自己支配,一举一动也都被人看在眼里。所以Watson在大学生活的初期还有些不适应,不过很快她就学会了享受这种独处,可以在自己的空间里做喜欢的事情,虽然 ……
以用booted。因为在片场情绪失控与编剧发生冲突,托马斯·吉布森被《犯罪心理》剧组开除,陪伴剧迷11年的“好吃叔”这个角色可能即将消失。 ……
聚光灯下,我成为整个片场的焦点。那种感觉太美妙了…"PLEASE, don't punish him any more!" I cry at the top of my voice,kneeling(跪下) on the floor and seizing an old man's arm to beg him. Tears are rolling down my cheeks.What ……
onset(片场).Zhao's other roleVicky Zhao's new work MY Aunt's Post-Modern Life will bereleased(上映 ……
the bike onset(片场) but we havestuntmen(特技人员) who can do that for him," said a source. "We do use ……
is not as easy as people imagine. Emma has tobalance(平衡) school and work. "I have a tutor onset(片场 ……
reportedly collapsed (虚脱) on set (在片场) last week. She complained of shortness of breath after she had just ……
? In the park, you can get on the studio (片场) tour bus and find the answers yourself. The bus takes you ……
much of his time on sets (片场) to learn from experienced actors. He grabbed attention for his role... Beijing News.From 2016 to 2018, Tan spent much of his time on sets (片场) to learn from experienced ……
the bike on set (片场) but we have stuntmen (特技人员) who can do that for him,” said a source. “We do use Daniel ……
) that Harry once (曾经) used? Go to the Harry Potter Museum in the UK. The museum is the studio (片场 ……