你的朋友是什么样的呢?quiet 安静的 active 活泼的 brave勇敢的 gentle 温和的,有礼貌的 careless 粗心的 creative 有创造性的 smart/bright 聪明的 His/Her hobby is...他/她的爱好是……MCT ……
精力旺盛的Jacky: Lily seems so happy today.Ella: Yeah, she is full of beans.Full of beans,从字面上来解释,意为“装满了豆子”。当它作为俗语时,它是用来形容一个人很活泼,精力旺盛,情绪很好。 ……
站立书桌让课堂更加活泼有趣。DON’T like to sit in classrooms and study all day? Try a standing desk! Standing desks are popular in some US schools. Students get to stand and move (移动) more. The desk has wheels (轮子 ……
.D: You are active (活泼的). 但有时候会有点自我中心哦。 ……
我们的教室里真热闹啊!If you hate being dull (无聊的),You will think: “Wow!”Come into the class,And we show you the crowd (热闹).It’s the noisiest (最喧闹的) class,In all of the school.The boys are lively (活泼 ……
) Snapshots are quick informal photos.d) snappy: 活泼敏捷的,聪明漂亮的3. Correct answer: b)out of focus: 焦点没有对准,模糊,虚化4 ……
QI’m an active (活泼的) and happy girl. Some of my good friends like to tell me their secrets (秘密), but I’m not good at keeping them. I’m afraid this bad habit3 will end (结束) our friendships4. How can I ……
(活泼的). Chongchong needs time to become friends with others. Xixi is a quiet girl while Qingqing likes to stay in the crowd (群).Shuangshuang is lively (活泼的). Chongchong needs time to become friends ……
is alively(活泼的) girl who laughs a lot.She enjoys talking about everything with her mum!"I don't smile ……
学校要开运动会了,大家都在积极踊跃地报名,但是一向活泼好动的 Jacky 对这事一点兴趣也没有……Ella: We're going to have a sports meeting next Tuesday. Do you want to join in?Jacky: No! I don'tcareabout it.Ella: Come on! Jacky! It will be fun ……
市场拓展主管职位要求* 热爱幼儿教育事业。* 有激情、为人真诚、亲和力佳。* 有幼儿教育行业背景者优先。幼儿英语教师职位要求* 热爱幼儿英语教育事业。* 富有亲和力、爱心、责任心,形象气质佳。* 英语专业基础扎实,口语流利,表达能力强,性格活泼开朗。* 具有一年以上少儿英语教学经验者优先。幼儿英语助教职位要求* 热爱幼儿英语教育事业。* 英语口语流利,有责任心、形象气质佳。联系方式联系地址:北京 ……
ExpressionsHow to describe some one who gets along well with children:He is good with children.他跟孩子很玩得来。She has a playful nature.她生性活泼。He is a child at heart.在内心深处他还是个孩子。Children are receptive ……
.---------------------------------------enliven 使活泼, 使生动coming-of-age 成年, 成熟 ……
Zhang YishanDo you watch Home With Kids (《家有儿女》)? 你喜欢片中活泼调皮的哥哥刘星吗?He is always so funny. 刘星的扮演者是16岁的北京小演员张一山。You can see him in his new movie Slam (《扣篮对决》) now. Playing basketball is Zhang Yishan ……
Which of these best describes (形容) you?a. Childlike (天真的)b. Learned (博学的)c. Active (活泼的)Which is your favorite board game (棋类游戏)?a. Checkers (跳棋)b. Go (围棋)c. Chess (国际象棋)你最突出的性格特点是什么?a. Patient ……