、通俗历史等读物颇受学生欢迎。金庸、路遥、刘慈欣、当年明月都是清华学子的真爱,金庸作品更是清华学子最爱借阅的图书,前15名中有5本金庸小说,《天龙八部》更位居总榜第三。而在北京大学,学生...在初高中阶段学习压力大,所以进入大学后会集中看一些以前没有机会看的书,像《盗墓笔记》 《诛仙》,还有金庸的武侠小说都属于这种情况。同时,那些满足知识层面的社科读物都是通识教育的一部分,因此 ……
一代“大侠”金庸挥别江湖.Jin Yong is best known for bringing wuxia novels to massive audiences in the Chinese-speaking world. Although he has passed away, his works have had an unmistakable influence on pop ……
本期话题:近日,中国青年报的一项调查显示,00后仍喜欢金庸,76.4%的受访00后读过金庸的作品。你读过金庸的作品吗?如果你可以成为金庸笔下的一个人物,你最想成为谁?Sun Zhenyao, 14, AnhuiAs a fan of Jin Yong, I’ve read many of his books. And Wei Xiaobao, the main character ……
★也是醉了WHEN something or someone makes us so speechless that we lose the will even to complain, we use “yeshi zuile” instead.The idea comes from author Louis Cha’s (金庸) The Legendary Swordsman. Linghu ……
★也是醉了WHEN something or someone makes us so speechless that we lose the will even to complain, we use “yeshi zuile” instead.The idea comes from author Louis Cha’s (金庸) The Legendary Swordsman ……
活到老,学到老!武侠大师金庸又要攻读博士学位。词数 275 建议阅读时间 7分钟 PERHAPS next semester Peking University freshmen will see... Cha(金庸) is a top ranking wuxia (martial arts) story writer. His works, although all written between ……
侠之大者,为国为民侠之大者,为国为民Do you know Jin Yong (金庸)? He was a great writer of wuxia (武侠) novels. Jin Yong... Jin Yong (金庸)? He was a great writer of wuxia (武侠) novels. Jin Yong created many kung fu heroes ……
Louis Cha's books.据说只要有中国人住的地方,就有人在读金庸的书。It is said that据说,一个很有用的句型。 ……
Chinese are recapturing our national confidence!下期讨论话题新学期伊始,很多同学发现在人教社出版的《全日制普通高级中学语文读本》第四册中选取了金庸小说的部分章节。有人说,金庸的小说成就足以进入文学史,也有人说他的武侠小说再好也是通俗文学,只有娱乐的作用,难登大雅之堂,对此你有何看法?联系电话:(010)64982126 ……
内外兼修、动静结合的中华武术。词数 229 建议阅读时间 3分钟SO you know everything there is to know about martial arts (wushu) and kungfu from films with Jet Li and Jackie Chan, from the novels of Luis Cha (金庸) and Liang ……
(金庸) received the Hong Kong Arts Development Life Achievement Award on April 27 in recognition of his ……
论武侠文化的时候,如果没有提到查良镛,这讨论便是不完整的。查良镛今年92岁,他的笔名金庸更为大家所熟知。 ……
据外媒报道, 《射雕英雄传》的首部英译本将于明年由英国Maclehose Press出版。英译版《射雕英雄传》(Legends of the Condor Heroe s)将分12卷陆续发布,第1卷《英雄诞生》(A Hero Born)计划于2018年2月22日发售,定价14.99英镑。第一卷的译者为英国人Anna Holmwood(郝玉青)。相较于金庸小说在华人圈内的“阅读神话”,其英 ……
金庸仙去,江湖永存。词数 341 建议阅读时间 4分钟 As one saying goes, where there are Chinese people, there are kung fu legends (传奇).Louis Cha Leung-yung,better known by his pen name Jin Yong, was regarded as one ……
“飞雪连天射白鹿,笑书神侠倚碧鸳。”金庸的武侠小说在中国可谓家喻户晓,拥有许多忠实粉丝。近日,据媒体报道,金庸小说《射雕英雄传》的英译本将于明年由英国Maclehose Press出版。英译版《射雕...有中文字幕,但我也看不懂,每次都是我妈陪着,她边读字幕,我边看,感觉很不好!”赖静平上中学时,就开始找一些翻译的武侠小说看,那时候正式出版的金庸英文译著只有《鹿鼎记》,在网络上翻译的人也很少。最初,他混 ……