詹姆斯:天才加勤奋成就第四次MVP。BASKETBALL player LeBron James, 28, is this year’s NBA Most Valuable Player (最有价值球员MVP). The Miami Heat forward (前锋) has a great record this year. In this season, he scored 26.8 ……
an NBA championship in 2008.BONUS*MVP最有价值球员MVP是most valuable player 的缩写,即“最有价值球员”的意思。它是NBA一年一度对该赛季发挥突出球员... (身高) that makes him great. Garnett has a real passion (热情) for basketball. He was the *MVP ……
player小编点评:史蒂芬·库里初入NBA时并不被看好。身材瘦小的他和高大健壮的球员相比显得弱不禁风,同时,父亲曾为NBA出色球员的背景也让他倍感压力。然而,这个赛季的出色表现让库里终于证明了自己。在接受联盟最有价值球员(MVP)奖项时,他回首过去,有想放弃(shut down)的时候,也有发现自己的付出是值得的(be worth it)的时候。现在,对于拿这个奖项,他的心里只有感恩。Girls ……
award.MVP是most valuable player的缩写,意思是“最有价值的球员,对胜利最有贡献的球员”。该词语最早来源于美国职业篮球联赛,后来也被用于其他游戏和比赛中。在2022-2023赛季NBA全明星正赛中,扬尼斯队的塔图姆当选最有价值球员。MVP是most valuable player的缩写,意思是“最有价值的球员,对胜利最有贡献的球员”。该词 ……
, the crowd gave the young player chants of “MVP (最有价值球员)! MVP!”“When I was younger, I watched LeBron... the reigning MVP Kevin Durant considers him a threat. “It’s scary,” Durant told Bleacher Report. “I ……
纳什:勤奋成就梦想!He is the ninth player to win consecutive (连续)的) Most Valuable Player (最有价值球员,MVP... Steve Nash, 32, was given the MVP award for the second year in a row on May 8.The 1.91-metre Phoenix ……