People in the play: Reader Max Grandad Hannah Jake1. Max: (shouting) Grandad! Look at the big truck1! Some men are taking beds into the house over the road. Grandad: A new family is moving in. ……
中共一大 —— 中国共产党的诞生AFTER the May Fourth Movement in 1919, Marxist (马克思主义的) ideas started to spread (传播) in China. The official beginning of the Communist Party of China (CPC) was the First Party ……
等一批作家、翻译家都受到了严复译作的深刻影响。可以说,五四新文化运动对民主、科学知识的宣传,对旧伦理道德的反对,对“人”的发现无不是通过翻译西方启蒙思想实现的。将马克思主义思想介绍到中国五四新文化运动时期涌现出的一批著名翻译家群体中,以李大钊等人为代表的中国共产党人的翻译活动,为马克思主义社会学思想在中国的传播和发展发挥了重要作用。据了解,孙中山和梁启超等人较早就有接触和介绍马克思主义的经典著作《共产 ……
伟大历程Looking back on the early history of the CPCAFTER the May Fourth Movement in 1919, Marxist (马克思主义的) ideas started to spread widely in China. The official beginning of the Communist Party of China ……
the only country with a Communist Party?A:A Communist Party is a workers’ party. Marxism (马克思... is a workers’ party. Marxism (马克思主义) is its guide. It believes in scientific socialism (科学 ……
项目介绍根据中央马克思主义理论研究和建设工程重点编写教材总体规划要求,由教育部负责组织编写的93种高等学校哲学社会科学重点编写教材分三批启动。2009年上半年启动第一批重点编写教材工作。现将第一批重点编写教材项目招标事项通知如下。教材名单(共29种)外国文学史。申报条件 申报专家政治观点鲜明正确,在教学科研工作中坚持以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入 ……
) in the Party School of the Central Committee of the CPC.The school started as the Marxist-Communist (马克思... of the Central Committee of the CPC.The school started as the Marxist-Communist (马克思共产主义) School ……
) and outstanding cadres.It started as the Marxist-Communist (马克思共产主义) School in 1933. The name shows...-Communist (马克思共产主义) School in 1933. The name shows that the Party School is built to better interpret ……
5, the birthday of Karl Max, a sign of the CYLC’s commitment to Marxism (马克思主义).In recent... of Karl Max, a sign of the CYLC’s commitment to Marxism (马克思主义).In recent decades, the CYLC ……
birth was marked by the first national congress (全国代表大会), held in Guangzhou. The Marxist pioneers (马克思... pioneers (马克思主义先锋) started the meeting on May 5, which is the birthday of Karl Marx.Almost every year ……
and the Chinese people of all ethnic groups, a great Marxist (马克思主义者), a great proletarian... ethnic groups, a great Marxist (马克思主义者), a great proletarian revolutionary (无产阶级革命家), statesman (政治 ……
. Uphold the guiding role of Marxism 坚持马克思主义的指导地位5. Lofty ideals, moral integrity, a better education ……
学和比较文学等方面都有很深造诣,其主要译著包括译自德文的马克思著《论印度》,译自梵文的印度古代史诗《罗摩衍那》、印度名剧《沙恭达罗》以及译自英文的梅特丽耶黛维的《家庭中的泰戈尔》等。中国译协常务副会长郭晓勇表示,“翻译 ……
think it's because he had something to believe in.--------------------------------------Marxism 马克思 ……
马克思的新朋友Max: (shouting) Grandad! Look at the big truck1! Some men are taking beds into the house over the road.Grandad: A new family is moving in.Reader: A car came up the road to the house. A big boy ……