A Thai vet (兽医) pushes needles into the head of a 13-year-old dog at a Bangkok (曼谷) pet hospital on November 15. The doctor was relieving (减轻) the dog's pain. More than 70 dogs and cats have received ……
泰国警察巡逻出新招BANGKOK (曼谷) officials launched a new way of policing the town at the end of April.Authorities in rural (乡村的) areas are starting to use the new method of spotting(定位) criminals in action ……
亚太经合组织曼谷会议落幕,在经贸反恐方面达成共识。ECONOMIC growth and the on-going fight againstterrorismwere the mainissuesdiscussed byPacific Rim(环太平洋) leaders at their yearly meeting, which ended inBangkok(曼谷), Thailand ……
inBangkok(曼谷) earlier this month.With 3G, you can forget about text messages telling you yesterday's news ……
in Bangkok (曼谷), the 26-year-old Canadian ran into a monk in a robe (穿长袍的和尚). The monk told him ……
:Bangkok(曼谷), ThailandWeight:75kgheight: 185cmYear turned professional: 1997Favourite colour: red ……
黎明时的公园里热情洋溢,微露的晨曦和初生的朝阳伴着曼谷的晨练者迎来新的一天。CENTRAL Bangkok's Lumpini Park becomes a sea of morning exercisers just before dawn.Joggers (慢跑者), walkers, Taiji fans and an army of other exercise addicts (热衷 ……