't beignorant(无知的).Work hard; don't be lazy and hate work.Be united and help each other; don't benefit ……
“消除……”之意。比如:The law should lift the veil of ignorance shrouding marriage. (法律应消除人们对于婚姻的无知。) ……
of illiteracy (无知)!”After a while the boat hit a big rock and started to sink. The professor panicked ……
.”On knowledge“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance (无知), it is the illusion (错觉 ……
中国留学生施虐案反映国人对校园霸凌的无知。LIU Yiran, 18, remembers clearly how her schoolmates bullied (欺凌) her.u Liu.... This just shows how ignorant (无知的) Chinese students are about US laws and bullying, wrote China Daily ……
的)’ and ‘ignorant (无知的)’ would be better choices,” said writer Jiang Fangzhou, 21, a Generation-90s...’t be sexy and still have an innocent heart.”BonusInnocent有两层意思:一是表示无罪的、无辜的;二是与knowledge相关联,表示不经世事的,无知 ……
ignorance, no one will hit you and you’ll never learn.(台词剖析:如果你掩藏无知,别人无法点醒你,你就无法学习。)Don’t ask...也是一样,所有友好和善意的积累中,总有一次会让人感动。)妙语点津●Ignorance:无知,愚昧。同根词:ignore vt. 忽略;ignorant adj. 无知的,愚昧的。●Drown:溺水。例如:He ……
Philippines for my huge mistake,” Harvey said on Twitter. “I feel terrible.”Blunder指“大错”,通常指因无知 ……
beauty.恨无知音赏。I feel these things – and remember my friend;感此怀故人,during the night I’ll be troubled ……
《黑鸟水塘的女巫》:无知和恐惧是最大的破坏 。《黑鸟水塘的女巫》:无知和恐惧是最大的破坏 。词数 378 建议阅读时间 5分钟 词数 378 ... Hannah – and Tyler too for her association with her.Ignorance (无知) and fear drive the plot ……
" might stand for "Ignorant," which means "having no knowledge or awareness of something (无知、愚蠢... (忽视、忽略)." So, technically, "Ig Nobels" might be translated as "(无知诺贝尔奖)"; meaning the opposite of what ……
is "ignorance is bliss" meaning "the less we know about something, the happier we'll be" (无知... who do it, so as to discourage others. In Chinese, the headline is "无知不是福", and the sentence is "有些 ……
on a history of systemic oppression can enlighten and educate the ignorant (无知的) and uninformed&rdquo... of systemic oppression can enlighten and educate the ignorant (无知的) and uninformed”. ……
for different reasons. It’s usually because they have posted ignorant (无知的), offensive (冒犯的) or rude...;s usually because they have posted ignorant (无知的), offensive (冒犯的) or rude things online. When I ……
. In the world of liberal education, students with ignorance (无知) or incapacity will be treated fairly... torture (折磨) that comes from nature. In the world of liberal education, students with ignorance (无知 ……