in the schoolyard, the sand pit (沙坑) reminded me of the days when I won gold medals at sports meetings ……
, such as swings (秋千), sandpits (沙坑) and climbing towers with slides. Children will be able to have fun ……
trip我们保持乐观的态度但预料最坏的结果你是否觉得自己会不会就像定时炸弹随时爆炸让我们年轻时死去或者永生我们没有力量但永不放弃坐在沙坑上生命像一次短暂的旅行 ……
回到操场,Clifford 往沙坑里瞧瞧,又在魔幻城堡里找找,都没有找到Squeaky 先生。(3) Next we go to the farmer's market. Does Mr ……
奥运之旅第2站 法国
的选手) had to make the sandpits (沙坑) themselves. 链球比赛时,链球经常被挂到树枝上。 The players had to climb up trees ……
, “Quick! Throw the book into the fire!” When Christina got close to the fire, a big sandpit (沙坑... (沙坑) appeared under her feet. She threw the book into the fire with all her strength (力气) before ……
实验室等专用教室和体育馆、塑胶运动场、高尔夫场、网球场、篮球场、足球场、跑道、沙坑、投掷等专业设施。教学班级还配有集声、形、色、动多种功能为一体的触摸式电子屏数字化多媒体设施。据了解,该校 ……