Editor's note: 本期合刊结合Teens文章和教材话题,以本报文章、及高考常见的几种题材为专题, 选词注重体现实用性、词的语境与常见搭配,希望能为同学们背记单词提供一些思路。小编期待着同学恰靶愠觥弊约旱拇驶阕ㄌ夂图谴实奶厥夥绞剑ㄎ颐堑牧捣绞郊鸄24版),我们将会选择精彩实用的内容刊登出来,和全国的朋友一起分享!Society and cultureHot issuesPrice hikesth's (wholesale) prices have gone up from. to. 某物的(批发)价格从……涨到……Many things/factors have come together to push the price up. ……
Campus lifehobbiesHow much/why you like itfall in love with. 爱上be fond of 喜爱be attracted/feel drawn to. 被吸引hold a special place in one's heart在某人心目中占有特殊地位grab any/every chance to do. ……