的跨文化学习、合作和交流能力。《义务教育英语课程标准(2022年版)》(以下简称“新课标”)为基础英语教育绘制了崭新的课程建设蓝图,而把建设蓝图有效且准确转变为施工图,是摆...和交流能力。《义务教育英语课程标准(2022年版)》(以下简称“新课标”)为基础英语教育绘制了崭新的课程建设蓝图,而把建设蓝图有效且准确转变为施工图,是摆 ……
走出课堂,用心寻找,你会发现英语学习无处不在!快来跟Timo 一起搜集生活中实用的英语标志吧!如果你拍到了有趣的英语标志牌,请发邮件至:wang.jin@21stcentury.com.cn! 别忘了写上邮件主题“实用英语投稿”。这是一块有关道路施工的提示牌。road work 意思是“道路施工”,ahead 意思是“前方”。合起来的意思是“前方修路,(请您绕行)”。 ……
房屋先将部分或全部构件在工厂预制完成,然后运输到施工现场建造完成。 ……
nationwide in 2015. It makes 35.3 percent of all environmental complaints through the year. Construction (建设施工 ……
他太大了,管子裂成了好几片。生词大本营pal 伙伴、朋友construction 建筑、施工site 地方、位置knock 撞,敲piece 碎片pen 围栏net 网生词大本营生词大本营生词大本营pal 伙伴、朋友construction 建筑、施工site 地方、位置knock 撞,敲piece 碎片pen 围栏net 网pal 伙伴、朋友construction 建筑、施工site 地方、位置 ……
本期话题:近日,在山西晋中拍戏的演员孙俪发微博称宾馆附近工地噪音扰民,持续到半夜。她通过微博求助,希望当地市政解决问题。有网友质疑孙俪此举是滥用作为明星的影响力,影响工人施工,也有人认为孙俪是正当反映问题,你怎么看?YesZhang Chongyu, 14, from GuangdongI think it’s unreasonable for construction (施工 ……
buildings.除了prefabricated building,预制装配式房屋又称为prefab,这种房屋先将部分或全部构件在工厂预制完成,然后运输到施工现场建造完成。学分互认credit ……
stricter checks on the design (设计) and construction (施工) of high-rise buildings.u More quality checks ……
1595215952近日,教育部办公厅、财政部办公厅印发《关于做好2024年“三区”人才支持计划教师专项计划有关实施工作的通知》,启动2024年“三区(边远...;三区三州”等地区倾斜。(来源:《中国教育报》)近日,教育部办公厅、财政部办公厅印发《关于做好2024年“三区”人才支持计划教师专项计划有关实施工作的通知》,启动 ……
suspending all construction work until more is known about the job site"(在确定准确施工地点之前,他们暂停了施工)。其他 ……
building constructors (装配式建筑施工员) can make that a reality. According to Forbes magazine, they can... period, even within a week, is highly unusual. However, the prefabricated building constructors (装配式建筑施工 ……
, prefabricated building constructors (装配式建筑施工员) can make that a reality. According to Forbes magazine... unusual. However, prefabricated building constructors (装配式建筑施工员) can make that a reality. According ……
(装配式建筑施工员) can make that a reality. According to Forbes magazine, they can quickly assemble (组装... building constructors (装配式建筑施工员) can make that a reality. According to Forbes magazine, they can quickly ……
. However, prefabricated building constructors (装配式建筑施工员) can make that a reality. According... period, even within a week, is highly unusual. However, prefabricated building constructors (装配式建筑施工 ……
on Tiangong, astronauts tested many key technologies. This was to help the proper “construction team (施工... team (施工队)”, the Shenzhou XIV crew, to complete the building of Tiangong. The crew have ……