Marina. Bay. ……
林俊杰出新专辑啦!EVERYBODY loves JJ Lam. The Singaporean (新加坡的) singer has a new CD called Sixology (《JJ 陆》). It is his sixth album (专辑). JJ sings a song with Charlene Choi (蔡卓妍) on the album. It's a sweet ……
国家汉办近日在新加坡举行了首次境外商务汉语考试(BCT:Business Chinese Test)机考。这在国家汉办推出的汉语水平考试(HSK)系列中尚属首次。新加坡劳发局普通技能发展署副署长许达铨表示,BCT机考在新加坡的成功举行,标志着HSK考试形式的历史性进步。 ……
elements of rock and folk music.Premiere意为“首播;首次公演”。《披荆斩棘》第二季热播中,32位来自中国内地、港澳台地区及泰国、新加坡的“哥哥”再度开启文艺交流、音乐竞演之旅。Premiere意为“首播;首次公演”。《披荆斩棘》第二季热播中,32位来自中国内地、港澳台地区及泰国、新加坡的 ……
boys and girls wearperfume(香水).Trash for gifts回收垃圾换相机SINGAPOREAN(新加坡的) students get gifts byrecycling ……
Tender talkADU is aSingaporean(新加坡的) pop singer in Taiwan. He is called the Asian King of Pop. On Saturday, he held his first concert in Beijing.J.J. Lam(林俊杰) was his guest singer. Adu started ……
BY2的18岁生日礼物。WHAT will you do to celebrate your 18th birthday? Singaporean (新加坡的) pop group BY2 releases (发行) a new album, Grown up (《成人礼》). The CD will come out on April 9.The two girls of BY2 ……
据新加坡亚洲新闻台报道,如今口译已成为新加坡的重要产业,平均每年能够获得800万美元的收益,且这一行情还将继续上涨。目前,该国约有1000人在从事翻译工作,然而从业人员并无相关认证资格证书。为解决这一问题,新加坡外交部与新加坡新跃大学日前联合推出一项新的翻译资格证书考试——Certification Examination for Professional Interpreters,以培 ……
林俊杰新专辑《学不会》。SINGAPOREAN (新加坡的) singer JJ Lam (林俊杰) has a warm smile. In many people’s eyes, he is sweet and cheerful. But in his new album, Lost N Found (《学不会》), you will see a different side of Lam ……
名,均比上一年下降一名;北京大学排名不变,依旧位列第五;浙江大学首次进入QS亚洲大学排名前十名,位列第六。在本次排名榜上,新加坡国立大学、新加坡的南洋理工大学分列第一、第二。排名...大学分别排在第四、第七名,均比上一年下降一名;北京大学排名不变,依旧位列第五;浙江大学首次进入QS亚洲大学排名前十名,位列第六。在本次排名榜上,新加坡国立大学、新加坡的南洋理工大学分列第一、第二。排名 ……
in Asia's pop world. TheSingaporean(新加坡的) singer has already made threealbums(专辑). Together they have sold ……
Happy Ending.JJ's new albumSINGAPOREAN (新加坡的) pop singer JJ Lin (林俊杰) looks to one of the Chinese ……
DO you like Singaporean (新加坡的) singer JJ Lam? How does JJ spend his day? Teens reporter Xu Weiwei interviewed JJ. Let抯 take a look at what he does.Morning10amJJ wakes up (醒来), washes up and gets ……
林俊杰的一天DO you like Singaporean (新加坡的) singer JJ Lam? How does JJ spend1 his day? Our reporter2 Xu Weiwei interviewed (采访) JJ. Let’s take a look at what he does.Morning10amJJ wakes up (醒来), washes up ……
Singing sistersBy2姐妹花勇闯歌坛。HOW can you tell (分辨) the twin sisters of Singaporean (新加坡的) pop group By2 apart? The secret is in their hairstyle: the one with *bangs is the younger sister, Yumi ……