,农场主说 Clifford 可以为他工作。Clifford 拉了满满一车干草,他干得不错。4. Then he sees a rat running to the barn... is angry and asks Clifford to leave. 哦!Clifford 太大了,把谷仓都撑坏了。农场主一怒之下把 Clifford 赶走了。6. We feel sad. Suddenly ……
articles for the local paper.?(2)释义:当这个农场主面试工作应征者时,收到的是一连串坚定的拒绝。重点词:a (steady) stream of川流不息地,源源不断地The cars flowed in a steady stream along the main road.(3)释义:农场主被他的回答激怒了,他恨不得立即将他解雇。重点词:tempt sb to do ……
for the local paper.?(2) 释义:当这个农场主面试应征者时,收到的是一连串的拒绝。重点词:a (steady) stream of 川流不息地,源源不断地The cars flowed in a steady stream along the main road.(3) 释义:农场主被他的回答激怒了,他恨不得立即将他解雇。重点词:tempt sb to do sth 诱使 ……
home. So, they began to travel to the country's rural West.Ranchers(农场主) employed them to take care ……
也能发现一些与河流紧密相关的有趣的表达:sell sb down the river出卖、背叛某人。这里的river指密西西比河。过去,美国的农场主把为他们辛勤劳动的奴隶卖到密西西比河下游的农场,甚至拆散奴隶的家庭,把一 ……
,a duck,a cow and a hen.So he is very sad. Can you help him to find them?(教师:看这儿,这是老麦克唐纳德的农场,这里...?(教师:现在,老麦克唐纳德一定很高兴,因为他找到了丢失的动物。那么,你们还记得那首《老麦克唐纳德有个农场》的歌吗?)S:Yes!(学生:记得。)T:let’s sing this song ……
摘自: 音乐双语课教案[文/沈阳市和平区南京十校王璐, 21世纪英语教育周刊]