拥有世界上最大脚的人The world’s largest feet belong to (属于) 29-year-old Moroccan (摩洛哥人) Brahim Takioullah. His left foot is 38.1cm and the right is 37.4cm. It’s very difficult (困难) for him to buy a pair ……
拥有世界上最大脚的人。THE world’s largest feet belong to 29-year-old Moroccan (摩洛哥人) Brahim Takioullah. His left foot is 38.1cm and the right is 37.4cm. It’s very difficult for him to buy a pair of shoes.21ST ……
“天涯共此时”中秋晚会9月10日在摩洛哥首都拉巴特举行,400余名观众欣赏了中国艺术家的精彩演出。图为一名摩洛哥小女孩和月亮模型合影。来源:新华社。“天涯共此时”中秋晚会9月10日在摩洛哥首都拉巴特举行,400余名观众欣赏了中国艺术家的精彩演出。图为一名摩洛哥小女孩和月亮模型合影。来源:新华社。 ……
摘自: 图观时事[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
摩洛哥国王迎娶女电脑工程师Morocco'S King Mohammed married computer engineer Salma Bennani in a private religious ceremony (宗教庆典) last Thursday. Salma, 24, is from Morocco's middle-class. Mohammed, 38 ……
德国起诉"9·11"事件恐怖分子A 28-YEAR-OLD Moroccan (摩洛哥) man was charged on August 28 in Germany with more than 3,000 counts (罪状) of helping to commit murder. Mounir el-Motassadeq, a member of Al Qaeta ("基地"组织 ……
国际田联表彰优秀运动员Stacy Dragila (C) of the US, Hicham El Guerrouj (L) of Morocco (摩洛哥) and US star Michael Johnson were presented with awards at the world athletics gala in Monte Carlo (蒙特卡洛) last Tuesday ……
摩洛哥山羊爬树摘果子。Goats usually live in mountainous areas and feed on grass. But in Morocco, a country in northwestern Africa, goats there have started climbing trees to look for food.These goats are trying ……
据法国家国本月中旬公布的最新告,全球法人数首次超过两亿,学法语的人数也明增加,目前已接近100万人。这份名为《2006年至2007年全球法情况告》指出,近年来法国家国的新成国逐增多,再加上撒哈拉沙漠以南法的非洲国家人口大幅增,所以全球法人数不断增加。报告说,目前说法语的人42%生活在欧洲,39%生活在非洲。法国以6300万人口排在法国家首位,其后依次是果民主共和国、阿及利、科特迪瓦、加拿大、摩洛哥 ……
Big win for LewisMCLAREN driver Lewis Hamilton won the Monaco Grand Prix (摩洛哥大奖赛) on May 26. He beat BMW Sauber’s Robert Kubica by three seconds. He said it was his best win. “I am very happy. What ……
in Marrakech damagedAn earthquake makes some cultural heritages in Marrakech damaged摩洛哥强震致世界文化遗产受损摩洛哥强震致世界文化遗产受损摩洛哥 ……
heroes国际田联选出最佳运动员Briton Paula Radcliffe (top) and HichamEl Guerrou ofMorocco(摩洛哥)were named the female ……
摘自: Sport[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·高中版]
in a rowMIDDLE distance runner Hicham El Guerrouj of Morocco (摩洛哥) and South African high jumper ……
摘自: Sport[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·高中版]
特,摩洛哥首都Skopje: 斯科普里Tashkent: 塔什干Tuzla: 图兹拉 ……
性爆炸) hitSaudi Arabia(沙特阿拉伯) andMorocco(摩洛哥).More than 30 people were killed in the Saudi bombing, including ……
国际教育成绩评估协会日前公布了全球小学生阅读能力调查报告。结果显示,阅读能力位居前四位的是俄罗斯、香港、加拿大艾伯塔省和新加坡的儿童,美国排名第十八,英国位列第十九。阅读能力最差的儿童来自南非,其次是摩洛哥及科威特。在只选择英语作为测验媒介语的研究中,新加坡儿童排名全球第一,击败了美国、英国和苏格兰。该研究由美国波士顿大学国际研究中心负责实施,在45个国家和地区的21.5万名9岁至10岁的 ……