have the ability to send our satellite to circle around the moon," said thechief commander(总指挥 ……
physically and psychologically (心理上) mature,” according to Zhang Jianqi, former deputy commander (副总指挥 ……
of the Office of the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters (国家防汛抗旱总指挥部), each person ……
was, in a sense, the director-general (总指挥) of my life,” the American engineer wrote in his life-story ……
对英语学习至关重要,在课堂上进行拼字等游戏能使枯燥的词汇教学过程变得生动、有趣,教学效果自然更好。“新星杯”大赛总指挥、该游戏专利的发明者吴力新教授告诉记者。据了解,英语游戏的特点是集智力、活动和竞争于一身,它既 ……
英语口语活动课这个有利平台,让学生通过活动大量用英语进行交流在口语活动中,教师可以将学生分为几个小组,教师担当活动课的“总指挥”,之后选出几名“小组长”。每个小组在组长的带领下,人人积极发言,个个争先交流,在合 ……