作为英国广播公司(BBC,. British. Broadcasting. Corporation)的经典英语教学节目,《跟我学》(Follow. ……
3月19日,华纳兄弟电影官方微博宣布《哈利·波特与魔法石》4K修复3D版将在中国影院上映. 该影片于2002年1月26日在中国内地首映,距离这次复映已有18年之久. ……
.”Nostalgia意为“怀旧、怀念”,常用表达有a sense/wave of nostalgia,表示“怀旧感”。时隔20年,《哈利波特与魔法石》4K修复3D版重映,引发不少影迷的怀旧,观众纷纷感叹:“魔法又回来了!” Nostalgia意为“怀旧、怀念&rdquo ……
impression像素艺术回归,怀旧又流行像素艺术回归,怀旧又流行Are you a fan of pixel art (像素艺术)? This old computer-based art form..., Tokyo had a big pixel art festival and people are making new games in retro (怀旧的) pixels all the time ……
30. The show reminds them of their memories from childhood and youth.Nostalgia表示“怀旧”,常用表达有a sense/wave of nostalgia“怀旧感”。Nostalgia表示“怀旧”,常用表达有a sense/wave ……
30. The show reminds them of their memories from childhood and youth.Nostalgia表示“怀旧”,常用表达有a sense/wave of nostalgia“怀旧感”。Nostalgia表示“怀旧”,常用表达有a sense/wave ……
;Nostalgia意为“怀旧”,常用表达有a sense/wave of nostalgia“怀旧感”;be filled with nostalgia for sth “对……深感怀念”。时隔20年,《哈利·波特与魔法石》再次上映,引发不少影迷怀旧,观众纷纷感叹:“魔法 ……
的,怀旧的”。例如在下面这句话中,old-school就包含了厌烦的情绪:We had an old-school coach who made us run two miles every day.现学现用:闲聊中你的朋友Mike评价说Tom的衣服真酷,你说:可不!他有这样一种有趣的、怀旧的风格。Mike: Tom’s outfits are so cool!You: I know ……
and Chow on Sina Weibo with the caption, “Our friendship is beyond measure.”Nostalgic 表示“怀旧的”。为了帮星爷宣传新片,莫文蔚倾力献唱主题曲,而她在微博晒出的两人合照也让粉丝怀旧不已。 21st ……
actress 小编点评:眼看小镁也是奔30的人了,难免会有些怀旧情绪。不管现在的事业多么成功、生活多么幸福,每个人都会怀念那段青涩时光里单纯的(innocent),固执的(stubborn),无畏 ……
A poster of Empresses in the Palace YOUKUA poster of Empresses in the Palace YOUKU怀旧怀旧... it. It has started a trend of nostalgia while many people are in lockdown.十一年前的老剧《甄嬛传》在人们居家隔离期间掀起一股怀旧风潮。观众 ……
hilarious (令人捧腹的),” he said.Nostalgia意为“怀旧”。常用表达有a sense/wave of nostalgia, “怀旧感”;be filled with nostalgia for sth “对某事深感怀念”。 Nostalgia意为 ……
(长沙发) at Monica and Rachel’s apartment. This scene was nostalgic (怀旧的) with fans commenting... on the iconic couch (长沙发) at Monica and Rachel’s apartment. This scene was nostalgic (怀旧 ……
. The special has filled its fans with nostalgia (怀旧). “My youth is coming back,” one person wrote.... The special has filled its fans with nostalgia (怀旧). “My youth is coming back,” one person ……
track and is full of nostalgia (怀旧). “Blinding Lights is one of those special, melodic, mass... in November 2019. The song is an up-tempo (快节奏的) electropop track and is full of nostalgia (怀旧). &ldquo ……