to working together as we try to answer one of the most profound (意义深远的) questions about our place... profound (意义深远的) questions about our place in the universe: Are we alone?” Pete Worden ……
are ahead of me, but those are a profound (意义深远的) part of what I’m looking forward to and I wouldn ……
测试见IV版 建议阅读时间 6分钟One of the most profound (意义深远的) traditions in the Czech Republic... to wear costumes covered in glitter.One of the most profound (意义深远的) traditions in the Czech ……
, compassion (同情心), intelligence, humor and style.”Monumental作为形容词,表示“巨大的,意义深远的”,常用来形容重要或规模宏大的事物,如...形容词,表示“巨大的,意义深远的”,常用来形容重要或规模宏大的事物,如:a monumental achievement巨大的成就,a monumental task 艰巨的任务。第75届柏 ……
Threat to skills and landIT was aprofound(意义深远的) one-week trip for Senior 2 students at the High School Affiliated to Nanjing Normal University.On June 5, they went to Hongcun, Anhui Province, which ……
and profound (意义深远的) than superheroes,” he said. “More powerful.” TEENS ……
at the University of Oxford, became the UK’s 21st poet laureate. “His witty (机智的) and profound (意义深远的)” work ……
揪心的endowment 资助ingest 吸收civic 公民的correlation 相互关系browse 浏览imperative 必要的voracious 渴求的profound 意义深远的 ……
marine 海的provoke 唤起六级词汇corporate 公司的donate 捐赠ecology 生态学leakage 泄漏profound 意义深远的托福词汇charitable 慈善 ……
terrible and profound (意义深远的) events, but the Greeks certainly had their lighter side. Later Greek ……
),” Gu told TEENS. “Archaeology has made my life more profound (意义深远的).” ... and the present (现在),” Gu told TEENS. “Archaeology has made my life more profound (意义深远的 ……
;Archaeology has made my life more profound (意义深远的).” Did you see any discussions about... profound (意义深远的).” What’s insideWhat’s insideWhat is archaeology ……
dub 称为eyrie 鹰巢,高山住屋fascist 法西斯分子fester 腐烂feverish 焦躁的,兴奋的gibberish 无意义的话migraine-inducing 引起偏头痛的offering 献礼,贡品profound 意义深远的 rooftop 屋顶self-importantly 自命不凡地sociable 好交际的sordid 肮脏的sprawl 蔓延,扩散swirly 成涡旋形的 ……
橡树 soar 剧增六级词汇breach 打破gloom 阴暗peninsula 半岛profound 意义深远的托福词汇Antarctic 南极的antimatter 反物质citadel 大本 ……
that the distribution of work was unfair.profound adj. very great 意义深远的Computer technology has made profound ……