‘That kid is not a child!’喜剧片《拜见岳父大人2》(Meet the Fockers)讲述了格雷格•福克(Greg Focker)在未来的岳父杰克(Jack)的要求下,安排双方家长见面。两对亲家由于性格、爱好乃至家庭观价值观都大相径庭,闹出了很多争执和笑话。下面这段对话中,杰克正在逗自己的小孙子玩,格雷格走了进来:Jack:He is taking you in. He has a very keen sense of people. Greg:He’s a chip off the old block, huh? We might have another CIA man on our hands here. ……
You’re just a runaway kid, that’s why影片《猫鼠游戏》(Catch me if you can)讲述了通缉犯弗兰克(Frank)和FBI探员卡尔(Carl)之间上演的一场精心布局的追捕故事。精彩回放在下面这段对话中,弗兰克再次化装成飞行员逃跑,卡尔试图劝阻他:Carl: You go back to Europe, you’re gonna die in Perpignan Prison. You try to run here in the States, we’ll send you back to Atlanta for 50 years. Frank: I know that. ……
All Viola wants to do is play soccer电影《足球尤物》(She’s the Man)讲述了热爱足球的女孩维欧拉(Viola)的故事。学校解散了女子足球队,维欧拉为了继续她的足球梦,乔装成她的双胞胎哥哥去新学校报到,并作为新生加入足球队。下面一段话是维欧拉和妈妈的对话。★精彩回放Mother: OK? Keep your eyes closed. Eyes closed, closed, closed, closed …Viola: They are closed. Mother: All right. ……
Princess and the problem在电影《沉睡魔咒》(Maleficent)中,森林王国的小仙女玛琳菲森(Maleficent)原本是一个美丽纯洁、拥有翅膀能够飞翔的年轻仙子。在遭受人类国王斯特凡(Stefan)的背叛之后,她变成一个邪恶冷酷的女王。为了复仇,她向国王的女儿爱洛公主(Princess Aurora)施下了沉睡魔咒。然而随着爱洛的成长,玛琳菲森逐渐意识到,这位小公主不仅能给两个世界带来和平,或许还能给自己带来真正的快乐。但是当她想要收回诅咒时,却发现一切为时已晚,唯有真爱之吻才能将沉睡的公主唤醒。精彩回放1. Maleficent: I will not ask you for forgiveness. What I have done is unforgivable. ……
Macbeth(ACT 5, SCENE 5) 《麦克白》Introduction Macbeth’s short time as King of Scotland is about to come to an end. He has killed many people to try to stop others from finding out that he killed Duncan, the previous King of Scotland, but he has also made many enemies. Furthermore (此外), he has just learned that his wife has killed herself. ……
As You Like It(ACT 2, SCENE 7)《皆大欢喜》Introduction The king has told his brother to leave the kingdom, suspecting (怀疑) that he is trying to remove him and take power. The king’s brother is now camping in a forest. He is accompanied (陪同) by some of his courtiers (people who serve a king or other royal person), including Jacques, who likes to think (and talk) a lot. ……
Macbeth(ACT 2, SCENE 1) 《麦克白》IntroductionThe King of Scotland, Duncan, has come to visit Macbeth to thank him for his brave actions in a recent battle. However, Macbeth has been convinced (说服) by his wife and three witches (女巫) that he should murder Duncan so that he can become the King of Scotland himself. ScriptMacbeth: Is this a knife in front of me?Pointing at my hand? I will take it. ……
Twelfth Night(ACT 1, SCENE 1)《第十二夜》IntroductionOrsino is in love with Lady Olivia, but Olivia is sad because her brother has just died. She doesn’t love Orsino, and she doesn’t want to get married. Orsino is listening to music and thinking about love. ……
The Tempest(ACT 3, SCENE 2)Introduction Stephano has just arrived after his ship sank. Caliban has been there for a long time and knows the place well. Caliban looks different – he is half human, half animal. ……
The Tempest(ACT 5, EPILOGUE)《暴风雨》IntroductionAn epilogue is the final part of a play, and in it the characters often talk to the audience. Prospero, who has learned how to use magic, has been on an island with his daughter Miranda for a long time. In this scene he talks to the audience. ……
Eddie tries hard《飞鹰艾迪》(Eddie the Eagle) 讲述了英国历史上最著名的跳台滑雪运动员,有“飞鹰艾迪”之称的迈克尔·爱德华兹激励人心的真实事迹。艾迪本是高山滑雪选手,但因为这个项目竞争激烈,为了实现奥运梦,他改练跳台滑雪,并于1984年远渡重洋前往德国进行训练。艾迪克服了资金及自身条件的各种困难,于1987年代表英国参加世界锦标赛,获得1988年冬奥会参赛资格。虽然艾迪在冬奥会排名倒数第一,但他在运动赛场上永不言弃的宝贵精神,以及他在面对巨大困难和挑战时所表现的非凡毅力和乐观精神让他名声鹊起,俘获了全世界观众的心。精彩回放1. It’s about time I started paying my way. 我也是时候赚钱养活自己了。2. ……
Questioning. villain《神偷奶爸2》(Despicable. ……
The Merchant of Venice(ACT 4, SCENE 1)《威尼斯商人》IntroductionAntonio borrowed money from Shylock, but he didn’t pay the money back. Shylock wants the court to punish Antonio. Portia, a beautiful woman, acts as Antonio’s lawyer in court. ……
Romeo and Juliet(ACT 3, SCENE 1) 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》IntroductionMercutio is Romeo’s best friend. He has been arguing with Tybalt. Romeo appears and Tybalt wants to fight him. ……
Romeo and Juliet(ACT 2, SCENE 2)《罗密欧与朱丽叶》IntroductionRomeo Montague goes to the garden of his latest love, Juliet Capulet. It’s dangerous to be there because the Montague and Capulet families don’t like each other. Before entering the garden, Romeo heard his friend Mercutio laughing about him because he (Romeo) is in love again. ……