into his factory! He will hide the five Golden Tickets (金色奖券) in chocolate bars (巧克力棒). The children who ……
《查理和巧克力工厂》(Charlie And The Chocolate Factory)讲述了一个善良的小男孩Charlie和其他4个幸运的孩子抽中了金色的奖券,获得参观一个充满神秘色彩的巧克力工厂的资格。孩子们在巧克力制造商Willy Wonka的带领下,来到这个已经15年没有人来过的工厂参加一场神秘莫测的冒险。参观巧克力工厂后,Willy Wonka想让Charlie成为他的接班人,于是 ……
yuan.lottery n. 奖券, 彩票(a gambling game or method of raising money)My uncle buys a lottery ticket ……
, "Are you Mr George Sang? Did you lose anything?" "A lottery (奖券) ticket," answered the middle-aged man ……