教育为主要任务的国际型、语言类大学,北语每年都会吸引数以万计来自世界各国的留学生,因而,这所学校自然而然地成为汇娶多种语言、多样文化的乐园。为了发挥所长,给中外学子搭建—个沟...不绝地向我介绍面部彩绘艺术的历史,原来,面部彩绘可以追溯到数干年以前,它最初是原住民部落的—种宗教仪式,也可以作为身份和地位的象征。面部彩绘以其独特的艺术风格逐渐发展成为大洋;州原住民文化的 ……
IQIYIIQIYI敦煌奇迹:多元文化的交融。敦煌奇迹:多元文化的交融。The artwork of Dunhuang sheds light on cultural exchanges dating back centuries.The artwork of Dunhuang sheds light on cultural exchanges dating back centuries ……
伦敦多元文化的迷人魅力。词数 246 建议阅读时间 5分钟LONDON is a very multicultural (多元文化的) city. In some parts of London, a lot of families from one country or background live in the same place. London’s famous Chinatown ……
The Fosters 《如此一家人》Season number: OneGenre: Family dramaWELCOME to the multicultural (多元文化的) drama of The Fosters.The heads of the family, Stef Foster (who is white) and Lena Adams (who is biracial ……
. It also brings the whole country together, especially during the Olympics. "Canada is a diverse (多元文化的 ……
you a glimpse of (一瞥) Britain’s multicultural (多元文化的) society.But what does multiculturalism mean...多元文化给英国带来的不仅是各色美食,更掀起一场关于国家认同感的大讨论。CATCHY (动听的) tunes, brightly dressed dancers and cheering people ……
doorstep. London is one of the most multicultural (多元文化的) cities in the world and Stockwell in South ……
感受加拿大多元文化的魅力。WHEREVER you go in Canada, particularly in the large cities, you are struck by the fact that you encounter people from every part of the globe. You can find an authentic Italian pizzeria ……
’s total population. It is a multicultural (多元文化的) country where more than 250 languages.... That’s around 80 percent of the UK’s total population. It is a multicultural (多元文化的 ……
even took a look at me. New Zealand is somulti-cultural(多元文化的) that students are used to foreigners ……
多元文化的澳大利亚为何最宜居? 词数 392 建议阅读时间 6分钟IT may be open to discussion which city is the most beautiful in the world. But in terms of “the most livable”, Melbourne has ranked top in a survey done ……
的艺术形式有帮助。Also, dialects contribute to local Chinese art forms. (P2)5. 在一个有多元文化的社会里,这样做大有裨益。It is of great ……
into a multicultural (多元文化的) society. It was Lee who first came up with this idea of coming together ……
伦敦:多元文化融合的城市。词数 374 测试见 7版 建议阅读时间 6分钟 Spend any time in London, England’s capital, and you’ll quickly gather that it’s a multicultural (多元文化的) community. Look around at your fellow passengers ……
继去年在中国成功举办首届澳大利亚文学周之后,由澳大利亚驻华使馆主办的第二届澳大利亚文学周近日在北京和成都两地举行。此次文学周以“追溯历史”为主题,通过风格各异的澳大利亚当代文学作品展现该国多元文化的发展历程。此次文学周活动涉及文学和出版领域的交流。文学周期间,澳大利亚知名作家简戈德温、凯特格伦维尔、露辛达赫德佛斯、玛拉穆斯塔芬和亨利雷诺兹做客北京外国语大学、北京大学、中国人民大学、成都 ……