近日,由国家教育部颁布的《汉语作为外语教学能力认定办法》正式实施。对经认定达到相应标准的人员,颁发《汉语作为外语教学能力证书》。值得注意的是,《认定办法》还对申请《能力证书》者的英语能力作出了明确规定。《认定办法》指出,从事汉语作为外语教学工作的中国公民和外国公民,必须具备相应的专业知识水平和技能。申请《能力证书》者应热爱汉语教学工作、热心介绍中国文化、遵守法律法规、具有良好的职业素养,且须 ……
外国人在中国这样过圣诞How do foreigners celebrate Christmas in China? PAGE 4 ……
21ST CENTURY21ST CENTURY《中国让我没想到》 : 外国人在中国的 “奇遇”《中国让我没想到》 : 外国人在中国的 “奇遇”My China Surprise reveals China through the eyes of foreigners. Learn about their interesting ……
中国将为外国人才提供更好的条件THE Chinese Government will write new immigration (移民) rules to create more favourable conditions for skilled foreigners to live and work in China.The new laws will allow long-term ……
to 曾经…… take care of 照顾生词大本营 practice 练习foreigner 外国人quiz 测验medicine 药 company 公司 生词大本营生词大本营生词大本营practice 练习foreigner 外国人quiz 测验medicine 药practice 练习practice 练习foreigner 外国人foreigner ……
小老外和我们玩“老鹰捉小鸡”!IT is very interesting to play games with a foreigner (外国人). In the picture, some Chinese children play with a US boy. His Chinese name is Han Xinle. He can speak Chinese well ……
和外国人交谈并不难。LAST month, I took part in a competition in Shanghai. I chatted with a foreign teacher in English. At first, I was very nervous because it was my first time to chat with a foreigner ……
外国人吃中餐好纠结,快使用“筷叉”吧。Many Americans like Chinese food. But they may find chopsticks (筷子) hard to use. Well, a “chork” is here to help. A chork has a fork (叉子) on one end and chopsticks on the other ……
外国人在北京骑行的趣闻PAGE 4Biking is a fun way to see the city. Here is a foreigner’s biking story in Beijing.Patient work他们默默地在故宫修文物Meet the people who look after the Forbidden City. PAGE 8 What is TCM?领略 ……
外国人在北京骑行的趣闻PAGE 4Biking is a fun way to see the city. Here is a foreigner’s biking story in Beijing.Patient work他们默默地在故宫修文物Meet the people who look after the Forbidden City. PAGE 8 What is TCM?领略 ……
影响语言运用的关键因素。因此教学中要将英语与语言环境和交流目的联系起来。外国人“在京生活指南”面市日前,北京市政府外事办公室举行了《外国人在京手册》的发行仪式。据悉,目前常住北京的外籍人士已逾7万,每年临时入境外籍人员超过350万人次。为帮助外国人了解北京,外办编辑出版了中英文对照的《外国人在京手册》,涵盖出入境、居住、就业等各方面的最新政策和服务信息。北京市外办负责人表示,目前,外办 ……
摘自: 八面来风[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
哪座中国城市是外国人心目中的最爱?WHICH city on the Chinese mainland do foreigners like most? It’s Shanghai, according to a recent survey, chinadaily.com.cn reported. Some 72,000 people joined in the survey ……
. Newcomers must also show *proficiency in French or English. “入籍”意为外国人取得某国国籍。“使某人入籍”则是a country naturalizes ……
of taking jobs away from them in a country with high unemployment.Xenophobic 指“恐惧、仇视外国人的”。Xeno-指“奇怪的、另类 ……
in an elevator do anything? PAGE 6Say cheese 外国人为何总被围观?Taking photos with a foreigner is still common ……