原来圣诞节是基督徒的节日。课件及教案见网站 MANY Chinese believe everyone in Western countries celebrates Christmas. That is not true. Christmas is an important religious (宗教的) holiday for Christians (基督徒). December 25 ……
1._ _ _ _lThey are not real people. They have a pair of wings. They are the messengers of the Christian (基督教的) God.2._r_ _ It’s a plant. People decorate (装饰) it at Christmas. They add lights or other ……
圣诞节作为西方国家的一个重要节日,是基督教规定纪念耶稣诞生的日子。每年的12月25日,世界各地的基督教徒乃至非基督教徒都会用各种形式进行庆祝,比如互送礼物、装点圣诞树、参加教堂活动、回家...一词的后一部分,因而可译作“圣诞光明节”。对于一个既有基督教徒又有犹太教徒的家庭来说,它或许是欢度年末假期的一种新选择。据现有的语料显示,Chrismukkah最早出现在报章杂志的时间是1999年。当年 ……
Eve, the first woman.According to certain Christian (基督教) beliefs, Adam and Eve are the ancestors ……
aboutChristianity(基督教). You can also find a video that explains why theshamrock(三叶草) andleprechauns ……
. It is on December 25. Many people believe that day is the birthday ofJesus Christ(基督), the son of God. ……
《基督山伯爵》让我产生对复仇与原谅的思考。词数 271 建议阅读时间 5分钟I'VE recently finished reading a masterpiece, The Count of Mont Christo (《基督山伯爵》) by French novelist Alexandre Dumas. The book told me how a person could ……
此类说教无非是一种道德劝勉,它与佛教的因果报应说及古时流行于民间的功过格并没有什么两样。直到近日有幸拜读林中泽先生的《死亡与超越:论罗马帝国的通俗信念及其实践》一书之后,我才茅塞顿开:原来基督教的死亡哲学另有深意,它不是一般地教导人们如何用死亡后的苦乐两端去怵惕自己此生的所作所为,而是要人们自觉地把死亡当作连接此生与来世的一道桥梁。换言之,在基督教神父们看来,短暂的此生只有融入到永恒的来世,才能构成完整的生命;而为 ……
it's Easter Day.Easter is aChristian(基督教的) holiday. It's about 2,000 years old. It is also a holiday ……
the Guardian described the scene at last year’s festival: “The pagans (非基督教徒) turn up to chant ……
to believe in Christianity (基督教). Saint Patrick’s Day is a day to celebrate his life, but it also ……
) hundreds of years ago. He helped many Irish people start to believe in Christianity (基督教). Saint Patrick ……
) to thank the Virgin Mary, who Christians (基督徒) believe was the mother of Jesus. Catalonian people can ……
) to thank the Virgin Mary, who Christians (基督徒) believe was the mother of Jesus. Catalonian people can ……
’s festival: “The pagans (非基督教徒) turn up to chant and dance and welcome the sun. But they are being joined ……